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I copied this off of Packing.Org. Does this apply to OC as well? Does the refer to any convenience store that sells beer as well?
A person commits the offense of carrying a concealed weapon in a prohibited place if he purposely or knowingly carries a concealed weapon in:
c) a room in which alcoholic beverages are sold, dispensed, and consumed under a license issued under Title 16 for the sale of alcoholic beverages for the consumption on the premises. (2) It is not a defense that the person had a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon.
I copied this off of Packing.Org. Does this apply to OC as well? Does the refer to any convenience store that sells beer as well?
A person commits the offense of carrying a concealed weapon in a prohibited place if he purposely or knowingly carries a concealed weapon in:
c) a room in which alcoholic beverages are sold, dispensed, and consumed under a license issued under Title 16 for the sale of alcoholic beverages for the consumption on the premises. (2) It is not a defense that the person had a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon.