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Raacke could use your thoughts guys.


Regular Member
Aug 26, 2008
Shreveport, LA
He might get mad at me for this but our president of LOCAL, Steve Raacke, is on his way in for some serious emergency surgery right now and could use your good thoughts and well wishes.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
He might get mad at me for this but our president of LOCAL, Steve Raacke, is on his way in for some serious emergency surgery right now and could use your good thoughts and well wishes.

Being able to is the desired goal. Give him my best wishes, please.
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Regular Member
Aug 18, 2013
Prayers to him & his family - not the recipient of the prayers - he & his family w/b the beneficiaries....
And certainly to the Drs & nurses caring for him.


Regular Member
Aug 26, 2008
Shreveport, LA
His dad called me this morning and told me he was supposed to go in for surgery today and will keep me posted. I will let you know more as I do. He's in a lot of pain and this is fairly serious.
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Regular Member
Aug 26, 2008
Shreveport, LA
Steve is out of surgery and it went well. He is expected to recover just fine and we will know the biopsy results in a week or more (they do that just to be safe). They did have to open him up as they were unable to do what was needed arthroscopically.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Steve is out of surgery and it went well. He is expected to recover just fine and we will know the biopsy results in a week or more (they do that just to be safe). They did have to open him up as they were unable to do what was needed arthroscopically.
Good to hear. Tell him we miss him and wish him a speedy recovery.


Regular Member
Aug 26, 2008
Shreveport, LA
Just talked to Steve for a second, he sounds great and is in good spirits. It wasn't cancer so that is great news! His prognosis is good and more details to come as I find out how much he wishes to release.


Regular Member
Jul 20, 2008
Saint Gabriel, Louisiana, USA
short status update

Thanks for the prayers and well wishes. I needed them. Short rundown...

Back in October I went in for a routine colon scoping to check out what my chronic diverticulitis was doing to my gut. I was in full flare up and they found a mass forming in my sigmoid colon.

In December I had a CAT scan to check my gut again and there was the mass, not getting any smaller and plenty of damage to the gut from the diverticulitis.

In January I met with a surgeon who wanted to start cutting right away. He could get me prepped, go in with minimal cutting, take out the damaged intestine and the mass and resew everything back together. I'd miss a month of work but should have a short recovery and little complications.

Instead, I said, "Hey I'm a Vet. Let me get the VA to handle this and I can save a few bucks." So I enrolled in the VA Choice program and started jumping through their hoops and fighting the BS the VA is famous for. In the meantime my condition worsened. The mass grew, my intestine shut down and by May 9 I was vomiting, my intestine was threatening to burst and I checked into the ER where they determined that I needed emergency surgery.

So instead of a simple gut surgery and quick recovery, I was split open like the shark on the dock in the movie Jaws. They didn't pull an old Louisiana license plate out of me but got the mass and a 7 inch section of my sigmoid intestine out. Instead of a simple reconnection of my intestine if I had done it in January, I have a colon ostomy bag to wear now. They stapled me up with a couple dozen staples and various tubes in holes which had already existed and new holes they created. I spent a week in the hospital then was sent home. Thursday I saw the surgeon to have my staples removed.

I have a follow up appointment in mid June. I'll find out then when I go back to work.
I'm still not able to move around or walk very far without pain and getting out of breath. Basically I get exhausted just going to the bathroom or kitchen. I have a long recovery ahead but should be fine in a few weeks.
That's my medical emergency story.
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Regular Member
Jul 12, 2007
, ,
Yes, this...,

Prayers to him & his family - not the recipient of the prayers - he & his family w/b the beneficiaries....
And certainly to the Drs & nurses caring for him.

all in accordance with God's will, + 7 X 70.


Jeremiah 29:11-13

we are not equal, we will never be equal, but we must be relentless.