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I'm carrying this over from a thread reading Ohio, in which Mike stated that
Mike, in that case you might want to consider revoking the gold star for Montana. Here's your own description on Montana:
Montana is a traditional open carry state. Localities are substantially preempted, but have limited power to prevent and suppress the carrying of concealed or unconcealed weapons to a public assembly, publicly owned building, park under its jurisdiction, or school, and the possession of firearms by convicted felons, adjudicated mental incompetents, illegal aliens, and minors.
Your own description you have shown that Montana has weak pre-emption.
I'm carrying this over from a thread reading Ohio, in which Mike stated that
under our current evaluation scheme to be a Gold Star Open Carry State, state preemption must be very strong, and no p[ermit can be required to carry opernly in public, including vehicles; you remain orange (anomolous open carry state) statuslike PA.
Mike, in that case you might want to consider revoking the gold star for Montana. Here's your own description on Montana:
Montana is a traditional open carry state. Localities are substantially preempted, but have limited power to prevent and suppress the carrying of concealed or unconcealed weapons to a public assembly, publicly owned building, park under its jurisdiction, or school, and the possession of firearms by convicted felons, adjudicated mental incompetents, illegal aliens, and minors.
Your own description you have shown that Montana has weak pre-emption.