SCOTUS has refused to hear the appeal of the Wollard case. MD's 'good and sufficient reason' limitation stands.
FYI - unless the newspaper spelled the name wrong, it's "Woollard".
Exception: This rule does NOT apply to discussions about long gun carry in jurisdictions which ban handgun carry but not long gun carry and thus require long gun carry as a matter of public policy.
No, it's Woollard. Two o's and two l's. Why couldn't he have just spelled his name the "normal" way??You're correct - it is Woolard...
That's exactly what people should start doing. It worked in Ohio, with openly carried handguns. The question is "How strong of an RKBA organization does MD have?"...Since it appears to be the position of the State that your right to open carry a long gun means your right to carry a gun in your day to day activities in public is not infringed, I guess everyone should just start doing that. If the cops hassle you, show them a hardcopy of the "Brief of respondents..." (link) and tell them you're just doing what the State apparently expects you to do...
You're not the only one frustrated, and I agree with your USSC analysis....This crap frustrates me and I don't even live there. I'm hoping SCOTUS denied cert just because there is a better case coming down the road and they'd rather rule on that one instead of this one. In the meantime, their denying cert on this case definitely sends a message to the anti's that what MD is doing is OK under the 2A.