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Senate sends Constitutional Carry bill to House. Time Sensitive


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Roll Tide! Keep the pressure on the House to pass this all the way.

Lots of good informatuon in the OP provided links.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2008
Montgomery, Alabama, USA
I live here in Montgomery and hear from a lot of folks who have a connection, one way or the other, with our legislative bodies. From what I am being told, the state senate was the first major hurdle. The House is supposed to be much less of a hurdle.

Everyone is saying that our new governor, Governor Kay Ivey, is going to be the biggest hurdle.
Both the Alabama Sheriffs' Association and many individual sheriffs (thankfully not all) are absolutely apoplectic about the possibility of this bill becoming law. First reason is that it will cut into the sheriffs' revenue for permit fees. Next reason is that they see it as a threat to the power they believe they hold over the people of this state.

I will still have a permit (for travel outside the state), but, thankfully, my military retired status means I no longer have to pay.
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Regular Member
Oct 29, 2008
Montgomery, Alabama, USA

As of the last news I have on this bill, it is in a House committee, the Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security. The chairman of that committee is, I understand, a former LEO and adamantly opposed to this bill. At this time, with the legislative clock running down, I don't think we'll see it make it to a House vote. I do hope I am wrong.

For those of you not familiar with Alabama politics, and believing it ain't just us Alabama rednecks reading these posts, there are several politically very powerful groups in this state. The Alabama Sheriffs' Association, the Fraternal Order of Police, the Alabama Education Association, and the Alabama Farmers' Association. The latter two wield much less power than they used to, while the former two are still a power to be reckoned with.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2008
Montgomery, Alabama, USA
'Nuther Update

This is the last day of the regular legislative session. The constitutional carry bill is still in committee and will likely die at the closing of this session. One of the sponsors of the bill has stated he will submit another such bill for the next legislative session.

I, for one, am sick and tired of our representatives paying far more attention to Alabama Sheriffs' Association and the Fraternal Order of Police than they pay to the constituents who put them in those offices. I am more and more convinced that we need a major house (and Senate) cleaning in Montgomery.


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2007
Marion County, FL
This is the last day of the regular legislative session. The constitutional carry bill is still in committee and will likely die at the closing of this session. One of the sponsors of the bill has stated he will submit another such bill for the next legislative session.

I, for one, am sick and tired of our representatives paying far more attention to Alabama Sheriffs' Association and the Fraternal Order of Police than they pay to the constituents who put them in those offices. I am more and more convinced that we need a major house (and Senate) cleaning in Montgomery.

It's so sickening. I just don't get why we suffer these people. It's even worse in Florida.