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Setting the Record Straight...


State Pioneer
May 22, 2006
Shasta County, California, USA
Some things are being said that aren't accurate- Instead of addressing them in the posts where they are, I think it best to have its own to shed a little light on the subject.

Calguns.net is a commercial marketplace with a forum that attracts a broad spectrum of ideologies, some of which blame the practice of open carry for it's prohibition. Open carry topics don't usually last long there, not because administrators are anti-open carry, but because they are not long suffering of the contentious arguments that are spawned by naysayers. and proponents alike. The opinions expressed there belong to individual posters and are not representative of any group- Calguns.net or The Calguns Foundation.

The Calguns Foundation is a non-profit that defends California gun-owners. The false assertion that CGF is expressly anti-open carry that keeps being repeated is unfounded. If their organization were opposed to open carry, they certainly wouldn't have provided their limited funds and resources for the defense of open carry proponents. Such as defending the Marine who was falsely arrested in Oceanside on Independence Day 2008 (http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showpost.php?p=2728203&postcount=66), funding the defense of Sam Wolanyk who was falsely arrested in San Diego (http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showpost.php?p=5039398&postcount=1) and assisted in fundraising for Theseus after he was arrested and convicted on PC626.9.

I don't recall 'California Right to Carry' or any other organization associated with Charles Nichols stepping forward at the time to render legal and financial assistance to these people. Interestingly, I find the moments when Mr. Nichols does step forward to be most telling. Like when Mr. Nichols filed documents with the State of California to register South Bay Open Carry as his own organization (http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?94509-2A-Group-Killed-By-Charles-Nichols) or when he attacked the fundraising efforts to bring Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire to completion on FaceBook. (http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showpost.php?p=12181400&postcount=1) While Calguns and SAF were accused of wasting $200,000, the reality is the Kickstarter involved numerous contributions from individuals in the gun community pitching in $5,$10 and $20 at a time. If you haven't seen the movie, you can always go to deadpatriotfilms.com.


Regular Member
Apr 27, 2011
why you so mad ?

I don't know diddly squat about Calguns, it's history with open carry, etc. That said, ConditionThree didn't seem mad at all. To me it sounded like he put forth a calm, rational argument about something he's seen happen repeatedly that he takes exception to. Calm, rational arguments rebutting his statements would be the way to argue he's wrong if someone so chooses.
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Regular Member
Jul 15, 2008
Prescott, AZ
I don't know diddly squat about Calguns, it's history with open carry, etc. That said, ConditionThree didn't seem mad at all. To me it sounded like he put forth a calm, rational argument about something he's seen happen repeatedly that he takes exception to. Calm, rational arguments rebutting his statements would be the way to argue he's wrong if someone so chooses.


Besides, the items C3 brings up aren't refutable, they're hard facts.


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2011
If you play games at all and look at the flow of the conversation I was riffing on Onus's post about someone being mad. Nothing more than that.....

And I figured you would pick up on the "bro" and realize I wasn't being serious. Given that I am a gamer I had no problem with your comments outside of thinking that most people of this forum aren't likely to get it.