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shenanigans in mcallen


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
Colorado Springs. CO
This is what is called asserting a right secured by the Texas Constitution, and the U.S. Constitution in the face of a government authority Hell-bent upon bullying you into surrendering that right.


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2008
Looks to me like a lot of po-dunk cops having a "this is my town, bitch" mentality. What? I told you to leave a public service property and you CAME BACK?!?!? Trespassing! You had a pocket knife? CHARGE HIM WITH THAT TOO!

I did not see where he was carrying a rifle during the original encounter or when he was arrested. The approximately 70 people that showed up to protest, who were not arrested, were carrying though. I hope they took lots of pictures.

That Chief is a tool, too. Miscommunication? I don't need to discuss the matter with you before exercising my rights! Nor do I need your "assistance"! Notice his insert about "without disturbing the peace" when interestingly enough, that was never even a charge. So, basically, he's spewing BS.


Campaign Veteran
Jun 16, 2008
Troy, Michigan, USA
from what i understand, the property that they confiscated from him (evidence) has already been returned and the charges are being dropped. i agree with everything you said about the mentality that got him into the situation. i also heard that there is video that the victim is holding onto that will stay private until such time as he may used in a lawsuit against the department.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
The building does contain the municipal court, so PC 46.03 applies.

But, someone apparently forgot to tell the police to check the definition of "premises" -- parking lots, sidewalks, and "beyond this sign" aren't in it.


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
Colorado Springs. CO
How is it that here lately a RIGHT that " every citizen " in Texas "SHALL HAVE" seems increasingly to be subjected to extra-statutory suppression by law enforcement.

If I have the good fortune, being that I am in Texas, to enjoy certain liberties that the prudent and wise People of Texas agreed in 1876 to reserve for me, no justification exists for these liberties to be called into question.

After all wasn't it just a little over a year ago that the federal district court in Lubbock held that DUE TO THE FACT that "every citizen" in Texas enjoys the UNRESTRICTED right to be armed with a rifle, or shot gun - the Texas CHL is not in any way impeding the free exercise of the right guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ?

This RIGHT - AND the implied LIBERTY that accompanies it - to ACTUALLY EXERCISE that RIGHT - is superior to any citizen's chosen predicament to be " uncomfortable " with that circumstance.
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