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Shop Owners "Advice"....


Regular Member
Dec 14, 2006
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
imported post

Since I'm new to this area (been living in Colorado last few years, and grew up in Baltimore)
I decided to check out a local gun store in Morgantown, WV.

I cant remember the name of it, but its located on Collins Ferry Rd.

The shop owner is very nice and has an indoor range which in only $7.50 per hour to shoot there. Thats a great rate IMO.

Anyhow, I asked him about OC'ing in Morgantown and statewide in WV.
He said:
"Well, I dont advise it. They wont arrest you. But you WILL get harassed by the Police. And why would you let someone have the chance of taking your gun away from you and maybe shooting someone with it?"

I was polite and responded with: "If that were the case, there would be a whole lot of Police Officers having their guns taken off of their hip all the time"

But we both agreed to disagree. But its good to know that he has some experience with OC'ing and some first hand knowledge that OC'ers wont be arrested.

Once my new holster comes in, I'm going to give it a try in Morgantown.
Anyone have some experience Open carrying in Morgantown? Ever have any problems?


State Researcher
Feb 20, 2007
Invisible Mode
imported post

Sig229 wrote:
The shop owner is very nice and has an indoor range which in only $7.50 per hour to shoot there. Thats a great rate IMO.
That is a very reasonable fare. You're lucky.

Sig229 wrote:
And why would you let someone have the chance of taking your gun away from you and maybe shooting someone with it?"

I was polite and responded with: "If that were the case, there would be a whole lot of Police Officers having their guns taken off of their hip all the time"

Well, it is likely to happen--an OCer getting his gun stripped from him. Probably, it is more likely thanit happens for LEOs. Especially, since all LEOs are required to have some level of retention on their holsters (and train with other retention techniques) while civilian OCers neither have to use a holster with retention nor train to prevent snatches.

We don't really know how many snatches of guns from OCers have taken place already. There is one case at a Wall-Mart that was reported here on this forum. So, we know it does happen. And, unfortunately, it probably will happen in the future, too.


State Pioneer
May 22, 2006
Shasta County, California, USA
imported post

HankT wrote:
Well, it is likely to happen--an OCer getting his gun stripped from him. Probably, it is more likely thanit happens for LEOs. Especially, since all LEOs are required to have some level of retention on their holsters (and train with other retention techniques) while civilian OCers neither have to use a holster with retention nor train to prevent snatches.

Im throwing the penalty flag-(even though there isnt an issue of citation of law.)

1)Illegal useof hypothetical as fact. How does a gun grabber tell the difference between a citizen and a plain clothes LEO? Isit really that muchmore'probable' for a citizen to be a victim of a gun snatch? The fact is, criminals are less concerned about how a policeman will treat them than than an armed citizen- The police have rules of engagement they must follow, whereas a citizens actions are something of an unknown variable. Most criminals are moreconcernedabout having an encounter with armedcitizens than the police-

I cite the Wright-Rossi felon survey from 1983;

56% of the felons surveyed agreed that "A criminal is not going to mess around with a victim he knows is armed with a gun;"

A 57% majority agreed that "Most criminals are more worried about meeting an armed victim than they are about running into the police."

Im not saying that a gun grab from a citizen is an impossibility, but I would say that it isnt any more likely than a grabon a police officer.

2) Illegal use of generalization- Not ALL LEO's are required to have retention beyond the thumb break on a holster. And while citizens are not required to have a retention holster or train in retention techniques, many often DO, myself included.

30 yard penalty, third down...


State Researcher
Feb 20, 2007
Invisible Mode
imported post

Pa. Patriot wrote:
Uh-oh, Hank. You better punt... (as usual) :lol:
This is tooooo easy. I'll let him twist in the wind until I get time to respond...:monkey


Regular Member
Apr 26, 2007
Tucson, Arizona, USA
imported post

HankT wrote:
Sig229 wrote:
The shop owner is very nice and has an indoor range which in only $7.50 per hour to shoot there. Thats a great rate IMO.
That is a very reasonable fare. You're lucky.

Sig229 wrote:
And why would you let someone have the chance of taking your gun away from you and maybe shooting someone with it?"

I was polite and responded with: "If that were the case, there would be a whole lot of Police Officers having their guns taken off of their hip all the time"

Well, it is likely to happen--an OCer getting his gun stripped from him. Probably, it is more likely thanit happens for LEOs. Especially, since all LEOs are required to have some level of retention on their holsters (and train with other retention techniques) while civilian OCers neither have to use a holster with retention nor train to prevent snatches.

We don't really know how many snatches of guns from OCers have taken place already. There is one case at a Wall-Mart that was reported here on this forum. So, we know it does happen. And, unfortunately, it probably will happen in the future, too.
Likely? Please show stats/reports or something more than a single anecdote (and wasn't that one instance perpetrated by a LEO? I don't have time to check it...).