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Short Fused Public Hearing


Regular Member
Jan 12, 2010
Poulsbo, Kitsap County, Washington, USA
Passing on email notification in the event someone here can attend.


GOAL Alert 2017-2 24 January 2017
Another short-fused heads-up. This was sent to me by an activist in Oly, calling on gunnies who are available to attend a public hearing in Olympia on Thursday, 26 January in the House Education Committee.
The hearing is on HB 1174 (among other bills) requiring the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop and offer an elective gun safety and/or hunter education course at the high school level.
Our children are being brainwashed to fear guns and stay away from them. These are the next generations’ anti-gun voters. Proper and safe firearms education will go along way to refuting the propaganda they hear on a nearly daily basis from “the establishment.”
Our youth are our future. And the future of the Second Amendment.
If you can attend, please do. If you can’t, please contact your legislators and ask them to support the bill.

Joe Waldron, Chairman, GOAL

I just received this information earlier today. I recognize that this is short notice. See other information below.
As noted, this hearing is scheduled for 8 AM, on Thursday, 26 Jan 2017, location as follows:
Subject: FW: Sponsor Notification of Education Meeting.
Good news. HB 1174 is scheduled for a public hearing on Jan. 26 at 8AM in HHR A.

House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A
January 26, 2017
John L. O'Brien Building
8:00 a.m.
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing:

  1. HB 1115 - Concerning paraeducators. (Bergquist/Megan Wargacki)
  2. HB 1174 - Requiring the superintendent of public instruction to develop an elective firearms safety and hunter education course for high school students. (Muri/Ethan Moreno)
  3. HB 1208 - Concerning charter school students participating in interschool athletics and extracurricular activities. (Johnson/Ethan Moreno)
  4. HB 1235 - Assessing physical education practices in public schools. (Riccelli/Ethan Moreno)

Also, here is great information on giving public testimony: http://leg.wa.gov/legislature/Pages/Testify.aspx . Parking information is on the right hand side of the page, too.