Welcome to the forum and bringing that great mentality with you regarding open carry is the preferred method to carry.
As WW noted, only a few members are from DE so not a lot of informational history from your area is readily available per se.
That stated, handgunlaw.us has a blurp on open carry which could/may/would cause you some interesting conversations with LEs & judicial issues w/o a permit, specifically, quote:
Open Carry is legal in Delaware but from all I can find out not a common practice. Places as listed in the “Places Off Limits” above apply to those who open carry. See the “RV/Car Carry Without a Permit” section for carrying in a vehicle. Delaware has preemption but some Cities and Counties that had Laws/Ordinances concerning the carrying of firearms were grandfathered when preemption was passed. It is up to you to know the local Laws/Ordinances. The Minimum age for Open Carry is 18. Unquote.
Apparently, leaving your handgun out in the open is an acceptable practice while driving. Of course, since OC’g isn’t a common practice, the nice LEs who stopped you might wet themselves and pucker their underware when they initially get to your vehicle and ‘peek’ inside. Their conversational tone on the reason they stopped you also might change a bit!
Speaking strictly for myself, that small tidbit of handgunlaw.us information, besides the vehicle nonsense, but also the city/county grandfathered in statutory BS; coupled with long time mantra of not wanting to spend $$$ to judically defend myself over some nice LE’s misinterpretation [read bias] on my SD OC carrying, might, just might, convince me to refrain from carrying until my DE privilege permit/license is safely in my wallet!
Again welcome to the forum, and maybe a fat, bearded, red suited gentleman will put the privilege permt/license in that stockin’ you hung with such care for the upcoming holidays!
Enjoy your holiday w/family and friends!