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I'm a new gun owner and haven't attended any safety classes yet. I live in Virginia and was thinking about open carrying until I get my CHP (been 30 days already, so I should be receiving it soon).
My question is, are shoulder holsters allowed for open carry? I understand it may alarm people, but I would only wear it at night time if I'm running errands or something. It would only be for a couple of weeks and its the only holster I have right now.
I'm a new gun owner and haven't attended any safety classes yet. I live in Virginia and was thinking about open carrying until I get my CHP (been 30 days already, so I should be receiving it soon).
My question is, are shoulder holsters allowed for open carry? I understand it may alarm people, but I would only wear it at night time if I'm running errands or something. It would only be for a couple of weeks and its the only holster I have right now.