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Shoulder houlsters?


New member
Dec 1, 2006
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I'm a new gun owner and haven't attended any safety classes yet. I live in Virginia and was thinking about open carrying until I get my CHP (been 30 days already, so I should be receiving it soon).

My question is, are shoulder holsters allowed for open carry? I understand it may alarm people, but I would only wear it at night time if I'm running errands or something. It would only be for a couple of weeks and its the only holster I have right now.



Founder's Club Member - Moderator
May 14, 2006
Virginia, USA
imported post

I think they generally are considered open carry. However I personally think its best to carry one that is vertically oriented. Because a horizontal one openly carried will probably be rather disturbing to anyone standing behind you and looking down your barrel. Not that it is going to go off but I know I wouldn't be happy to see that.


Regular Member
Sep 2, 2006
imported post

I believe that there is nothing specifically stating what holsters are and aren't allowed for open carry. The weapon just has to be visible as not to hide its "true nature". And if you're wearing the shoulder holster, then people will DEFINITELY know what its true nature is...haha. I've worn thigh rigs in public, and those draw pretty heavy looks, but I'm sure that shoulder holsters would draw much more.


Regular Member
Jun 24, 2006
Dale City, VA, Virginia, USA
imported post

In my opinion (But IANAL) it would be open because it is visibly a firearm. That said, while I have a shoulder holster, I would not use it for open carry. While I don't mind people seeing it (we are showing the flag, after all, to help the sheeple realize that this is a lawful activity), it will tend to get you a higher level of attention than you might desire.

Secondly, with the cold weather finally rolling in this weekend, it's hard to be wearing a shoulder holster openly. Are you going to wear it outside your jacket? What do you do when you go inside somewhere and want to take the jacket off? Too much handling for my likes.

I use the same IWB holster for both OC and CC. I would recommend that you go ahead and find a holster you like now. Wear it around the house to get used to carrying before you get your permit.