Regular Member
For inquiring minds; here is the language for SJR 36/Constitutional Amendment 5 on this Fall's ballot:
There has been some press, mostly negative against the measure. Here are a couple:
Just in case one hasn't noticed, the anti-gunners are turning up the rhetoric on this bill with a lot of dire doom and gloom. It appears they will attack from a couple of angles: Extremely high cost to the tax payers (although none can be attributed to it, but are citing Louisiana as a reference) and allowing 'criminals' to own guns, you know, drug lords, rapist, etc......
The anti's don't want it to pass. I see the blood in the streets and the wild wild west comments forthcoming!!
There has been some press, mostly negative against the measure. Here are a couple:
Just in case one hasn't noticed, the anti-gunners are turning up the rhetoric on this bill with a lot of dire doom and gloom. It appears they will attack from a couple of angles: Extremely high cost to the tax payers (although none can be attributed to it, but are citing Louisiana as a reference) and allowing 'criminals' to own guns, you know, drug lords, rapist, etc......
The anti's don't want it to pass. I see the blood in the streets and the wild wild west comments forthcoming!!