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Socorro OC


New member
Jul 1, 2012
I am from Socorro and i am new to open carry. i haven't carried in town before and am also curious about anyone else that carries here in town. And also any other places who don't allow OC other than the normal places like Wal-Mart and the places that sell alcohol.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
You two guys should schedule an OC "Meet & Greet" event at your local Denny's or IHOP and discuss the issue. If no one (?) is OCing in Socorro (hard to believe there aren't more than just a few), then Denny's & IHOP will need to get used to seeing and having OCer customers -- eventually. Remember, part of OCing is educating & desensitizing the public -- and cops, if need be.

Post the event date/time here and possibly some other Socorro locals (if any, and if only lurking here presently) can read about it and may also attend. Stop by (recon-mission) those two places to see if there are any "No Guns" sign posted on the front door but if not, you should be good to go. If a Denny's or IHOP is a Franchise store (vs. Corporate-owned) Franchise owners may be able to disallow guns on the premises even if Corporate does not. Not sure...

I AM sure, however, that Starbucks is okay with OCers but I don't think Socorro has one (hard to believe) -- nor a Village Inn which is also fine with OCing (at least the VIs in Rio Rancho & ABQ).

Whatever, get something going in Socorro...you guys could be the "Founding Fathers" of the Socorro OC scene! :)

Good luck...
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