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Some Food For Liberals To Digest


Regular Member
Sep 29, 2018
The worst school massacre - disaster in US history, did not involve firearms.


Regular Member
Sep 29, 2018

And the point is, gun grabbing liberals are out of touch with the reality of, EVIL ALWAYS FINDS A WAY. I'm sure we all know, it's not about Gun Control, it's about Control. Supposedly in the neighborhood of 20,000 + gun laws on the books across the country; and since hardened criminals couldn't give a **** about those laws, it boils down to 20,000 + gun laws that apply to those who are least likely to use a firearm for criminal activity; that being, the law abiding citizen.
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Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
The 1927 Bombing That Remains America's Deadliest School Massacre


Yo hooo jim... linky no worky..
[h=1]Page Not Found[/h][h=2]Sorry, we are unable to find that page.[/h][FONT=&quot]The page you were looking for may have been moved or renamed. You may want to try using our search.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Read more: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/.../...americas-deadliest-schoo/#Rz5ukkgrOP0U1mOK.99


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
And the point is, gun grabbing liberals are out of touch with the reality of, EVIL ALWAYS FINDS A WAY. I'm sure we all know, it's not about Gun Control, it's about Control. Supposedly in the neighborhood of 20,000 + gun laws on the books across the country; and since hardened criminals couldn't give a **** about those laws, it boils down to 20,000 + gun laws that apply to those who are least likely to use a firearm for criminal activity; that being, the law abiding citizen.


Jim, ya aint Reagan who might have had Presidential license, so care to provide a viable cite for your once again unsubstantiated BS commentary on 20K gun laws.

Truly Jim, a serious query ~ are you doing alright? Especially since your online behaviour, as evidenced by your postings of late is extremely erratic & disjointed and to be honest, quite worrisome IMHO for a mature individual who allegedly has lived and seen as well as having paid your dues as you professed.

your faculties seem skew’d with an inability to cognitively complete simple taskings. So If you require any assistance whatsoever, please PM Grape, or actually any one of us, and provide contact info and we will direct appropriate assistance to your location ASAP.


Regular Member
Dec 5, 2012
Let's try this:


That's better. (As long as Smithsphonian and vbforum don't change or mess it up; working right now in preview.)

And the point is, gun grabbing liberals are out of touch with the reality

Yeah they are. Just the gun-grabbing point should make anyone spewing out huge hostility to your post very suspect. Gun control is on the official Dem platform...



There it is...so pro-gun libs who are still voting Dem at the moment are getting a bit out of touch. It's not our grandparents' party any more. Time to vote what you believe - IF indeed you believe in the 2A. Hostility towards a pro-gun message looks pretty suspect. And you can't blame generalizations when the shoe fits the official published platform. Don't feel hurt, feel motivated - vote this year for your 2A beliefs, if you do have such beliefs, and you will be respected by conservatives.

Back to that message:

EVIL ALWAYS FINDS A WAY. I'm sure we all know, it's not about Gun Control, it's about Control. Supposedly in the neighborhood of 20,000 + gun laws on the books across the country; and since hardened criminals couldn't give a **** about those laws, it boils down to 20,000 + gun laws that apply to those who are least likely to use a firearm for criminal activity; that being, the law abiding citizen.

That first part reminds me too much of a character in a certain movie franchise...skipping that. :)

But yes, it's about controlling the regular citizens, disarming and weakening our society. Since criminals don't need to bother with all the fine print of the gun control law, it is mainly targeted at people like us. And guns certainly aren't the only way to kill for someone intent on it. Anyone doubting that needs a history lesson and anatomy refresher. It is an effective defense for someone who is looking to preserve the peace.

I would also love to see a better look at all the crimes and mass killings committed WITH guns, because there have been quite a few apparently LIBERAL leaning shooters. At least a strong possibility. You can find such lists, and liberal attempts to "fact-check" them, with a search. I'll leave it to the social media addicts to debate that - I still earn my bread by sweat and don't live off the guvcheese and my taxpaying neighbors - but the shooters look pretty heavy on the left.

If you believe in 2A, prove it. Vote 2A. Ranting against pro-gun people doesn't look very legit.


Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
As the brookings institute reseachers found early in the 21st century, the number is a myth from 1965 per this quote from 2005 high road post:

I keep seeing this claim. 20,000 is such a nice round number. Jon Vernick, director of the Johns Hopkins University Center for Gun Policy and Research, and colleague Lisa Hepburn claimed to have examined gun laws and their actual number and conclude that the figure is essentially a myth. They date the origin of the number to longtime NRA supporter Congressman John Dingell (D-Mich.), who first used the number, without any attribution, in 1965. It's never gone away.

"Twenty Thousand Gun-Control Laws?"
Jon S. Vernick, Johns Hopkins University
Lisa M. Hepburn, Harvard University

Evaluating Gun Policy
Effects on Crime and Violence
Jens Ludwig and Philip I. Cook, eds.
Brookings Institution Press/Brookings Metro Series 2003.

[sidebar: brookings link doesn’t work nor searching their site fails to pull up original research paper]


Regular Member
Dec 5, 2012
We have plenty of gun control laws and regulations. The quantity would be useful to know (and we've seen no credible assessment so far of 1965 laws or current ones to back up the rhetoric alleging that the 20K was rhetoric), but latching onto this particular herring is primarily of interest to those who are opposed to the 2A.

2A supporters shouldn't throw around such numbers carelessly (be smart, Lord knows don't feed the dodos and dinos any ammo) but again it's the anti-2A forces who hope to gain something here, to distract, detract, and "resist."

Like many orgs, Brookings Institution claims to be non partisan. Most orgs do lean Left, socialist, and certainly anti-gun. I'm in no position to spent time evaluating Brookings Institution (working man, time counts) but here's what I find from quickly searching their name with gun control:



That's not very pretty. Ditch 2A entirely, or encourage a gun "cartel" that limits itself by raising prices...those are sample ideas coming out of this sometimes tax-funded institute.



And here's what I find regarding that study of theirs:


The study does not include a tally of local gun laws.

The details I don't know; haven't even seen the study in question. But it's a good herring for those who oppose the 2A. Who knows, perhaps there are even some of those among us here. Don't be fooled by such. I do support accuracy though...but not claims of accuracy based on incomplete studies. The Left constantly churns out garbage claims but part of their usual PR is trying to suggest it's the other way around, just as they are the home of the criminal, ignorant, and violent but try to paint conservatives and gun owners as backward and dangerous.

For those who do believe in gun ownership by citizens, and I hope that includes the vast majority here, we know the Second is far too infringed, and if the Left gains power, our right to bear will be in danger. The solution is simple...vote for 2A (and industry) and keep the dodos and dinos out of power and in the dustbin of history where they serve best as a warning to all future societies not to repeat their mistakes and failures.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

Yo hooo jim... linky no worky..
[h=1]Page Not Found[/h][h=2]Sorry, we are unable to find that page.[/h][FONT=&quot]The page you were looking for may have been moved or renamed. You may want to try using our search.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
Read more: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/.../...americas-deadliest-schoo/#Rz5ukkgrOP0U1mOK.99

Yo hoo solus... Google worky just fine!



Regular Member
Aug 22, 2013
here nc
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OC Freedom

Regular Member
Feb 20, 2014
ADA County, ID
The worst school massacre - disaster in US history, did not involve firearms.

I think you meant to say the left. Liberals and the left are different. The left likes to hi-jack words and give them different meanings. PragerU is a great source of conservative learning and this video explains the difference between the two. Enjoy.



Regular Member
Sep 29, 2018
I think you meant to say the left. Liberals and the left are different. The left likes to hi-jack words and give them different meanings. PragerU is a great source of conservative learning and this video explains the difference between the two. Enjoy.


Yes, "left". Myself, being what I consider Conservative, still have some Liberal tendencies. The most rock had Conservatives do, as do rock hard Liberals have Conservative tendencies. Broad brush painting really doesn't cut it; nor does associating Liberal & Left.
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Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
The worst school massacre - disaster in US history, did not involve firearms.

Every day the sun rises, and sets. NO I did not provide a link because it is a well known fact just as the above I am surprised that so many on this site were not aware of the massacre. Maybe if some spent less time being Richards they might have more knowledge. To the OP, hope you learned that you should not expect fellow gun owners to be educated, you do need to provide links, even for the rotation of the earth.