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Founder's Club Member
Nov 25, 2006
Suwannee County, FL
So, you can OC long guns, but you don't because it would be 'too much' freedom?

Despite my usual troll-with-a-purpose directive, I'm just asking; My God, why aren't you doing this?!

I know that OCing a Rifle is a big pain in the ass. But wouldn't you be willing to barter? It would satisfy the enemies among us that want only Hanguns, and motivate the antis.... Just seems like a good idea all around.

MR Redenck

Regular Member
Nov 1, 2010
West Texas
Texas does not restrict rifle carry other than prohibited place.
Althow, LE will attempt to restrict rifle carry due to "Disorderly Conduct".
If you choose to carry a long gun, be familure with 42.01 sub section 8.
(8) displays a firearm or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm;

Oh yea, I recently had a local PD guy claim he could arrest me for "criminal mischief" because I had a 12 gauge visible.
"Criminal Mischief" IS vandalism... :banghead:
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Regular Member
Sep 15, 2009
, ,
Texas does not restrict rifle carry other than prohibited place.
Althow, LE will attempt to restrict rifle carry due to "Disorderly Conduct".
If you choose to carry a long gun, be familure with 42.01 sub section 8.
(8) displays a firearm or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm;

Oh yea, I recently had a local PD guy claim he could arrest me for "criminal mischief" because I had a 12 gauge visible.
"Criminal Mischief" IS vandalism... :banghead:

Hahahahaha stupid people amuse me.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 25, 2006
Suwannee County, FL
I still wonder why no long gun OC; if you're not allowed to OC a handgun, and the CC permit is only a defense if you can afford a defense... As far as Handgun Carry of any sort goes, Texas may be in the top 3 worst states. Shall issue, but it still doesn't help you...

I know the OCDO rules are about OC of Handguns. But since that isn't possible why not OC of long guns? Otherwise, there is nothing to talk about...

I'm not trying to be obnoxious. I'd rather carry a rifle. Period. It's not a political statement or a challenge.

I think handguns are a waste of time. Terribly inaccurate compared to a rifle, and even more underpowered. If you can OC a rifle, why aren't you doing it?
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Regular Member
Oct 29, 2010
Dandridge, TN
Pardon me but....

if Rick Perry is so pro 2A whats the problem down there? or is that just the show he wants to put on to garner votes from the pro 2A sector.


Regular Member
Nov 15, 2010
Seattle, WA; escaped from 18 years in TX
Either nobody knows why they aren't doing it, or it's the typical gun snob thing....

In other words, "If you want it and it hasn't happened, you must be doing something wrong."


There's the reality that grown-ups learned long ago that very often there are external factors that make what you want unachievable, no matter how much you want it and work hard to get it. In this case, the external factors include
  • Vehement opposition from the CC-only folks (who pretend they're pro-OC, but aren't)
  • Disproportionate political influence from neo-Texan suburbanites in Austin, Dallas, and Houston
  • A near-total lack of political motivation on the part of legislators to make it happen, who can derive greater political gain from spending their time pandering to other interests

You can wish in one hand and crap in the other, ixtow, and one hand's going to fill up first. I suspect you've got a lot of handfuls of crap in your future until you learn how the world functions.

Jack House

Regular Member
Jun 12, 2010
I80, USA
Ummm, pretty sure he was talking about long gun carry. I don't do it because I don't have a long gun and because I can not afford a lawyer when my ass gets thrown in jail for it. The same reason I didn't OC when I had the chance a few weeks back.

Posted using my HTC Evo


Founder's Club Member
Nov 25, 2006
Suwannee County, FL
You can wish in one hand and crap in the other, ixtow, and one hand's going to fill up first. I suspect you've got a lot of handfuls of crap in your future until you learn how the world functions.

I know full well how the world function; making certain that the hand you're crapping in always fills up first so you'll just give up.

You've gotta crap in your hand for a long time before the other one fills up...

Lecture me on how the world works... cute... grown-ups... They always seem to know how the world works, while failing to do anything with it...

Anyway, I'm referring to Long Gun Carry, As Jack was Grown-Up enough to notice.
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Regular Member
Jun 27, 2010
Colorado Springs. CO
In the everyday world on "Main Street", U.S.A. you just don't see folks walking around with a long-gun straped over their shoulder- with the exceptions of the parking lots of gun stores, or gun shows, or at a turkey shoot event. Thus it poses a challenge to engage in what is obstensibly "legal" behavior, but the practice is so extremely RARE and outside of the norm of everyday experience that it likely will result in somebody being alarmed even if the behavior is not calculated to cause alarm. Any charge will likely be dismissed, but the court record will still be there.

On the other hand a low-profile presentation of a holstered handgun on "Main Street" especially in Texas , would largely go unobserved , and in the absence of any suspicious, deviant behavior the presumption would likely be that the bearer was some level of LE. I suspect that I could enter most retail locations in Texas with my an uncovered IWB holstered Glock, and never raise an eyebrow - just as I do in Colorado Springs. On the other hand, I wouldn't get 10 feet away from vehicle with a shot gun before 911 would be ringing off the hook in Texas, or Colorado Springs.

Go figure. One is currently perfectly legal but will likely cause alarm. The other generally isn't legal but is less likely to cause alarm, and therefore would draw little or no attention.

Hopefully the 2013 legislative session will fast-track repeal of the 46.035(a) public display proscription, and at least allow for licensed OC. A long gun carry movement shouldn't be necessary, except as a last resort. I think most folks would find the practice awkward and very limiting outside of some sort of orchestrated demonstration event.
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Founder's Club Member
Nov 25, 2006
Suwannee County, FL
I'm considering a move to very, very rural land in TX. To not carry a Gun would be stupid. And since Long guns are the only option, I'm just trying to figure out "Why not?" If I get within 20 miles of "main street," well, go ahead and shoot me cuz I'm already in hell for being there.
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