Regular Member
Starbucks is facing a hard decision with all of these Pro 2A rallies at their stores. They have REQUESTED that people leave their weapons at home; however, they are not changing their policy and banning guns from their stores.
There is a lot of hate being sent towards Starbucks even though they are simply trying to do what all businesses do, turn a profit. I have carried both OC and CC in Starbucks with no issue and feel that as long we don't use their stores as a base of operation we should be fine. When you bring a fight to someone and they react in a manner that you don't agree with can you really be angry at them? Starbucks never wanted this fight and now are having to walk a thin center line to please both sides of a polarizing argument. I for one will continue to patronize Starbucks when I am in the mood and as with the Chik Fil A scandal will not change my shopping preferences.
Starbucks is facing a hard decision with all of these Pro 2A rallies at their stores. They have REQUESTED that people leave their weapons at home; however, they are not changing their policy and banning guns from their stores.
There is a lot of hate being sent towards Starbucks even though they are simply trying to do what all businesses do, turn a profit. I have carried both OC and CC in Starbucks with no issue and feel that as long we don't use their stores as a base of operation we should be fine. When you bring a fight to someone and they react in a manner that you don't agree with can you really be angry at them? Starbucks never wanted this fight and now are having to walk a thin center line to please both sides of a polarizing argument. I for one will continue to patronize Starbucks when I am in the mood and as with the Chik Fil A scandal will not change my shopping preferences.