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State Agency Preemption


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
The state agency preemption bill was watered down with a substitute bill which exempted colleges and universities.

I heard about this, but if it passes to get us all but these we'll be doing better than we were previously. There are benefits here that may not be obvious at first glance that are not related to colleges and universities.
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Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
I heard about this, but if it passes to get us all but these we'll be doing better than we were previously. There are benefits here that may not be obvious at first glance that are not related to colleges and universities.

Partial preemption is better than no preemption, but this is the sort of negotiating chip you use when dealing with the ninnies in the State Senate. It should be smooth sailing in the House of Delegates!


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2008
Most historic town in, Virginia, USA
I believe this was discussed several days ago, perhaps in relation to similar changes made to a companion bill? I don't recall where I saw it.

The point was to take what amounted to lower-hanging fruit while we could, and fight for the harder stuff later.



Accomplished Advocate
Feb 12, 2009
Northern Piedmont
So are they going to use taxpayers' dollars to provide real security in the form of armed guards at colleges and universities, or are they determined to go on providing a forum for "shootin' fish in a bar'l"? Why do they want college students to be more defenseless than other citizens? isn't there an equal-protection argument to be made here?

The Truth

Regular Member
Jul 18, 2014
Link to bill?

State agency preemption is absolutely necessary and would be a huge stepping stone.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
College Lives Matter

So are they going to use taxpayers' dollars to provide real security in the form of armed guards at colleges and universities, or are they determined to go on providing a forum for "shootin' fish in a bar'l"? Why do they want college students to be more defenseless than other citizens? isn't there an equal-protection argument to be made here?

Don't disagree with you User. At ODU there is real danger for students who must transit some of the most dangerous streets in Virginia to go between class and apartment because there is not enough on campus housing. Make the University President park in the ghetto and walk alone at night unarmed to her car.

What I am trying to say is COLLEGE LIVES MATTER!!!


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2008
Most historic town in, Virginia, USA
Link to bill?

State agency preemption is absolutely necessary and would be a huge stepping stone.
HB 1096 Firearms; regulation by state entities prohibited.

Regulation of firearms by state entities. Prohibits any state entity from adopting or enforcing any rule, regulation, policy, or administrative action governing the purchase, possession, transfer, ownership, carrying, storage, or transporting of firearms, ammunition, or components or combinations thereof unless expressly authorized by statute. The bill invalidates any such rule, regulation, policy, or administrative action adopted by a state entity prior to July 1, 2016. The bill does not prohibit a law-enforcement officer from acting within the scope of his duties, nor does it apply to the Department of Corrections, Department of Juvenile Justice, Department of State Police, Virginia National Guard, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Department of Social Services, Virginia Port Authority, Officer of the State Inspector General, or any institution of higher education. The bill allows entities to adopt or enforce rules or regulations necessary for compliance with the Fire Prevention Code or necessary for the operation of Reserve Officer Training Corps programs. The bill expressly authorizes the Board of Game and Inland Fisheries to create certain regulations governing the possession, carrying, transportation, and storage of firearms, ammunition, or components or combinations thereof. This bill incorporates HB 593.

01/13/16 House: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/13/16 16100024D
01/13/16 House: Referred to Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
01/18/16 House: Assigned to sub: #1
01/21/16 House: Subcommittee recommends reporting with amendment(s) (4-Y 1-N)
02/05/16 House: Reported from Militia, Police and Public Safety with substitute (15-Y 7-N)
02/05/16 House: Committee substitute printed 16104695D-H1
02/05/16 House: Incorporates HB593
02/08/16 House: Read first time
02/09/16 House: Passed by for the day
02/10/16 House: Read second time
02/10/16 House: Committee substitute agreed to 16104695D-H1
02/10/16 House: Engrossed by House - committee substitute HB1096H1
02/11/16 House: Read third time and passed House (64-Y 34-N)
02/11/16 House: VOTE: PASSAGE (64-Y 34-N)
02/11/16 House: Passed by temporarily
02/11/16 House: Reconsideration of passage agreed to by House
02/11/16 House: Passed House (63-Y 35-N)
02/11/16 House: VOTE: PASSAGE #2 (63-Y 35-N)



Regular Member
Sep 12, 2007
Newport News, Virginia, USA
Out of Senate Committee - woot, woot!!! Can't find amendment

The bill made it out of the Senate Committee 9-6, but with amendment. The amended text is not yet posted. Anybody have the actual text?



Activist Member
Jul 5, 2006
Accomac, Virginia, USA
The bill made it out of the Senate Committee 9-6, but with amendment. The amended text is not yet posted. Anybody have the actual text?




1. Line 28, engrossed, after*General,


the Department of Forensic Science, the Virginia Indigent Defense Commission, each office of an Attorney for the Commonwealth

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk


Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA
Three days ago, I went to a local ABC store and for the first time since McAwful's EO, I saw a NO GUNS sign on their window. Since I was carrying concealed and wasn't of a mind to go back to my car and disarm (think the member's case in Richmond involving "brandishing"), I entered the store anyway. After my purchase, I told the lady at the counter that the sign was the first one I had seen and that it appeared that other ABC stores were reluctant to post it. She didn't know this. Then I told her that as a Virginian, I was offended by that sign and she said she was, too. Then she told me that her store had an attempted armed robbery not long ago. She added that when this happened, there was a police officer (I assume either plain clothes or off duty), an FBI agent, and an armed citizen in the store. They chased the guy down and that was it.

So much for NO GUNS signs protecting the store and the people in it. McAwful is going to get people killed with his lunacy.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 12, 2008
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
Three days ago, I went to a local ABC store and for the first time since McAwful's EO, I saw a NO GUNS sign on their window. Since I was carrying concealed and wasn't of a mind to go back to my car and disarm (think the member's case in Richmond involving "brandishing"), I entered the store anyway. After my purchase, I told the lady at the counter that the sign was the first one I had seen and that it appeared that other ABC stores were reluctant to post it. She didn't know this. Then I told her that as a Virginian, I was offended by that sign and she said she was, too. Then she told me that her store had an attempted armed robbery not long ago. She added that when this happened, there was a police officer (I assume either plain clothes or off duty), an FBI agent, and an armed citizen in the store. They chased the guy down and that was it.

So much for NO GUNS signs protecting the store and the people in it. McAwful is going to get people killed with his lunacy.

Now all 3 of those guys (provided the police were off-duty) are barred from carrying in there. McAuliffe and his clan are perfectly content with people being hurt, as long as he can have his gun ban.


Regular Member
Oct 13, 2008
Most historic town in, Virginia, USA
HB 1096 Firearms; regulation by state entities prohibited.

Regulation of firearms by state entities. Prohibits any state entity from adopting or enforcing any rule, regulation, policy, or administrative action governing the purchase, possession, transfer, ownership, carrying, storage, or transporting of firearms, ammunition, or components or combinations thereof unless expressly authorized by statute. The bill invalidates any such rule, regulation, policy, or administrative action adopted by a state entity prior to July 1, 2016. The bill does not prohibit a law-enforcement officer from acting within the scope of his duties, nor does it apply to the Department of Corrections, Department of Juvenile Justice, Department of State Police, Virginia National Guard, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, Department of Social Services, Virginia Port Authority, Officer of the State Inspector General, or any institution of higher education. The bill allows entities to adopt or enforce rules or regulations necessary for compliance with the Fire Prevention Code or necessary for the operation of Reserve Officer Training Corps programs. The bill expressly authorizes the Board of Game and Inland Fisheries to create certain regulations governing the possession, carrying, transportation, and storage of firearms, ammunition, or components or combinations thereof. This bill incorporates HB 593.

01/13/16 House: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/13/16 16100024D
01/13/16 House: Referred to Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety
01/18/16 House: Assigned to sub: #1
01/21/16 House: Subcommittee recommends reporting with amendment(s) (4-Y 1-N)
02/05/16 House: Reported from Militia, Police and Public Safety with substitute (15-Y 7-N)
02/05/16 House: Committee substitute printed 16104695D-H1
02/05/16 House: Incorporates HB593
02/08/16 House: Read first time
02/09/16 House: Passed by for the day
02/10/16 House: Read second time
02/10/16 House: Committee substitute agreed to 16104695D-H1
02/10/16 House: Engrossed by House - committee substitute HB1096H1
02/11/16 House: Read third time and passed House (64-Y 34-N)
02/11/16 House: VOTE: PASSAGE (64-Y 34-N)
02/11/16 House: Passed by temporarily
02/11/16 House: Reconsideration of passage agreed to by House
02/11/16 House: Passed House (63-Y 35-N)
02/11/16 House: VOTE: PASSAGE #2 (63-Y 35-N)
02/12/16 Senate: Constitutional reading dispensed
02/12/16 Senate: Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice
02/24/16 Senate: Reported from Courts of Justice with amendment (9-Y 6-N)
02/26/16 Senate: Constitutional reading dispensed (39-Y 0-N)
02/29/16 Senate: Read third time
02/29/16 Senate: Reading of amendment waived
02/29/16 Senate: Committee amendment agreed to
02/29/16 Senate: Engrossed by Senate as amended
02/29/16 Senate: Passed Senate with amendment (21-Y 17-N)

Passed the Senate Monday, 21-17!

Update post to add the current status to the list in the quote.

Also, as PVC stated elsewhere about this bill, it will not survive the Governor's Veto, but it forces him to prove for the record that his dangerous gun-hating policies are squarely opposed to the will of the people of Virginia.

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