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Stop Lying

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Regular Member
Oct 24, 2013
United States
...."The lie that Officer Wilson shot Brown while he had his hands up and was pleading “Don’t shoot.”

The lie that New York City policemen targeted Eric Garner for a violent arrest because he was black.

The lie, peddled especially by the progressive prince of New York City, Mayor de Blasio, that the police are racist.

These are the lies that fuel hatred for the police, because if the police routinely execute black men in cold blood and serve a thoroughly racist system, they deserve to be hated.

They should be the subject of nightly protests. They should be showered with obloquy."


Stop lying.


Regular Member
Mar 6, 2011
So when are the cops going to stop lying and start holding their own accountable for their actions? While I don't condone the murdering of officers, I feel zero sympathy for the force as a whole for its losses (my sympathy goes out to the families of the deceased). While it is unacceptable to murder, the actions of the police (and other armed agents of the gov regardless of if they are true police or not) has greatly contributed to the current situation of distrust and outright hatred of the cops.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Negative broad brushing of LE as a group will not be tolerated on OCDO.

Adding to that familiar song is the reminder that OCDO has no intention of being another CopWatch.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
Trash speaks for and identifies itself via its behavior, so it doesn't have to be "profiled."

On the other hand, it's also true that certain "profiles" can be expected to be trash, and therefore trouble.

When/if OUR turn comes to experience an "incident" -- as these cops recently have -- we need to choose our personal "evaluation policy" and then subsequently, our accordingly appropriate response.

I know I will.

[I hope I was ambiguous enough to walk the tightrope safely, yet still make some sense]

Happy New Year to all...
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Logan 5

Regular Member
Apr 16, 2012
Negative broad brushing of LE as a group will not be tolerated on OCDO.

Adding to that familiar song is the reminder that OCDO has no intention of being another CopWatch.

While I think you're right in that statement Grapeshot, what I have a problem with is your comment about CopWatch.
It seems you are not fully aware of CopWatch and their intent.

If we should not paint all cops with a broad stroke of the brush, nor should we of groups such as CopWatch.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
While I think you're right in that statement Grapeshot, what I have a problem with is your comment about CopWatch.
It seems you are not fully aware of CopWatch and their intent.

If we should not paint all cops with a broad stroke of the brush, nor should we of groups such as CopWatch.

We should not paint any law abiding group, race, or religion with a broad brush.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
While I think you're right in that statement Grapeshot, what I have a problem with is your comment about CopWatch.
It seems you are not fully aware of CopWatch and their intent.

If we should not paint all cops with a broad stroke of the brush, nor should we of groups such as CopWatch.
I am quite aware of CopWatch and am not painting it in any manner, but will stand by the statement that OCDO will not become a similar site in part or whole.

Our primary function is to normalize (promote and defend) the open carry of holstered handguns as we go about our everyday lives.

The Forum Rules explains a lot of the limitations, but not all fully. That is where Administration endorsed/authorized called decisions are employed.

Understand that as private property, John & Mike get to make the rules in their house. That is not meant to offend or penalize anybody, but rather to keep us focused.


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2013
Henrico, VA

Grapeshot doesn't need me to interpret his words and it is not my intent to do so, but I did not see his post as an attempt to paint anything with any kind of brush; he made no judgement whatsoever about CopWatch. He just said OCDO did not want to become like it. OCDO is dedicated to open carry. CopWatch is not and I doubt posts exclusively about OC and unrelated to cops would be welcomed there. CopWatch is different from OCDO; not better, not worse, but different. I don't want to become like my brother. He is a fine person, a great father and husband, but I am gutshot, an individual, and I don't want to become him. I want to remain me. No brushes or painting going on here.

I agree with this. But with smaller letters.


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2013
Henrico, VA
Gutshot has a visual limitation and has special dispensation that allows him to see what he is typing/posting.

Oh, I thought he was shouting. My apologies to Gutshot if my comment was offensive. There was certainly no ill intentions in my amateurish attempt at humor. Thanks for calling me out on this most deserved public embarrassment, Grapeshot.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Oh, I thought he was shouting. My apologies to Gutshot if my comment was offensive. There was certainly no ill intentions in my amateurish attempt at humor. Thanks for calling me out on this most deserved public embarrassment, Grapeshot.
No intention to embarrass, only to inform.

When people talk to me in person, they frequently do shout..........I'm just a tad deaf in one or two ears :lol:

Logan 5

Regular Member
Apr 16, 2012
I am quite aware of CopWatch and am not painting it in any manner, but will stand by the statement that OCDO will not become a similar site in part or whole.

Our primary function is to normalize (promote and defend) the open carry of holstered handguns as we go about our everyday lives.

The Forum Rules explains a lot of the limitations, but not all fully. That is where Administration endorsed/authorized called decisions are employed.

Understand that as private property, John & Mike get to make the rules in their house. That is not meant to offend or penalize anybody, but rather to keep us focused.

I am not taking their side nor am I disregarding the rules. AFAIC you're right on both accounts and I do not dispute that.

But when you said "Adding to that familiar song is the reminder that OCDO has no intention of being another CopWatch." to me, a member of CopWatch, it comes across as an abrasive statement. The group of CopWatchers I associate with also has a couple former cops as members/advisors. If I was wrong about my interpretation of your comment, then I'm sorry. I just don't feel that I did.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Negative broad brushing of LE as a group will not be tolerated on OCDO.

Adding to that familiar song is the reminder that OCDO has no intention of being another CopWatch.

I am not taking their side nor am I disregarding the rules. AFAIC you're right on both accounts and I do not dispute that.

But when you said "Adding to that familiar song is the reminder that OCDO has no intention of being another CopWatch." to me, a member of CopWatch, it comes across as an abrasive statement. The group of CopWatchers I associate with also has a couple former cops as members/advisors. If I was wrong about my interpretation of your comment, then I'm sorry. I just don't feel that I did.
Broad brushing is the familiar song. CopWatch concentrates on rooting out LEA/LEO improper actions - that is not what OCDO wishes to become. I read CW occasionally - have no quarrel with it.

I see no rule violation on your part - the rule was quoted for the benefit of all readers. I have no need or desire to make abusive statements and have not. Have even given explanation of my plain words. Nothing else needs to be said on this IMO.

Enjoy and have a Happy New Year.
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Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I respect the rules, but police abuse directly affects the RKBA. As a former officer, I openly welcome constructive criticism and search for truth and justice. I cannot condone broad brushing or profiling a whole segment of society just for their color. I always thought we welcomed all races here, but I gotta admit I have seen a few slanted posts coyly referring to race not addressed. Federally profiling is illegal under the civil rights act. Violating civil rights is a clear illegal act. IMO censoring talk of single proven acts is supporting illegal activity.

The admin here has been very lenient, but lately I get the feeling that it is changing with the intention to reduce overwatch. If we have to fear overwatch so much we cannot communicate honestly then we are in trouble.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I respect the rules, but police abuse directly affects the RKBA. As a former officer, I openly welcome constructive criticism and search for truth and justice. I cannot condone broad brushing or profiling a whole segment of society just for their color. I always thought we welcomed all races here, but I gotta admit I have seen a few slanted posts coyly referring to race not addressed. Federally profiling is illegal under the civil rights act. Violating civil rights is a clear illegal act. IMO censoring talk of single proven acts is supporting illegal activity.

The admin here has been very lenient, but lately I get the feeling that it is changing with the intention to reduce overwatch. If we have to fear overwatch so much we cannot communicate honestly then we are in trouble.
We agree on broad brushing not being acceptable and blanket negative statements regarding any religious group, race, etc will not be tolerated.

Overwatch/reacting/posting of singular incidents of negative contact/interaction with LEOs is not restricted generally......unless or until such becomes a campaign by one or more posters who repeatedly/frequently make a practice of it. Then rules/called decisions will be invoked.

Hope that clarifies.


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2007
Marion County, FL
As wolf said above, the behavior of the enforcement class directly affects the right to bear arms. To fight them, with arms if necessary, is the purpose for which the 2nd amendment is written. The government's hypocrisy and misuse of firearms serves to help and hinder our rights. For some it hinders because they're ignorant of guns and they think that special training is necessary to safely handle them. In their minds if cops can't handle guns, certainly mundanes can't either. It helps it in other ways because people see the gross incompetence and psychopathic behavior of many cops and then the cry that "only the military and police should have" a certain type or kind of weapon becomes ridiculous on its face.

To limit "copwatch" material to the non carry forums like the social lounge is completely legitimate. To have a gun rights website and ban "copwatch" material completely is ridiculous and is one of the major downfalls of this site, IMO.
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Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
As wolf said above, the behavior of the enforcement class directly affects the right to bear arms. To fight them, with arms if necessary, is the purpose for which the 2nd amendment is written. The government's hypocrisy and misuse of firearms serves to help and hinder our rights. For some it hinders because they're ignorant of guns and they think that special training is necessary to safely handle them. In their minds if cops can't handle guns, certainly mundanes can't either. It helps it in other ways because people see the gross incompetence and psychopathic behavior of many cops and then the cry that "only the military and police should have" a certain type or kind of weapon becomes ridiculous on its face.

To limit "copwatch" material to the non carry forums like the social lounge is completely legitimate. To have a gun rights website and ban "copwatch" material completely is ridiculous and is one of the major downfalls of this site, IMO.
A serious warning/caution regarding regarding "to fight them with arms if necessary." While I understand what our forefathers did and what the full depth of the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] Amendment encompasses, this is not the forum to espose/suggest an armed, locked & loaded, response to our dissatisfaction with any part of our government - make no mistake about that.

Insofar as limiting CopWatch material - read my post #20 again......and again one more time. OCDO cannot be all things to all individuals - you are entitled to your opinion.

OCDO is private property and all are reminded -
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