My wife just read about "swat[t]ing". I now recall that a few years ago one of the major gun groups (Brady?) was so irrationally furious about the rising popularity of OC that they suggested their members, upon seeing someone with a gun, yell "He's got a gun, Oh my God, he has a gun! Call the police!" Evidently, this gambit was supposed to embarrass or worry the OC'er enough that he quit OC'ing, and that he has to explain himself to the police, amid the scoffs of the onlookers. This has never happened to me after nearly a decade of carrying. I think it is unlikely that such a thing would happen here in VA, but even if it did, no one would be likely to call 911 just because of one screamer. They'd more likely ask me what type of pistol I am carrying, and whether I like it. If police actually arrived, I would try to get the screamer charged with disturbing the peace, as well as knowingly misusing 911, which is a crime. Wouldn't it be fun to go to that person's hearing?