I don't get too excited about these "requests". As I business owner I certainly understand why they use this approach. I also understand that for at least a few of these we have no one to blame but our fellow OC supporters whose exuberance finally pushed outside the envelope.
Most of these businesses huge corporations that just want to sell widgets or widget juice and make money. They don't want to be in this fight. So they say, "Hey, we are going to just follow local laws." Which is good for us. But then some group of people show up looking like a swat team caricature and freak out some patrons who are leveraged by anti-OC types to paint all of us with a broad brush.
Now the corporation, instead of selling widgets and widget juice is having to deal with twitter campaigns, email campaigns, news reporters requesting interviews, activists requesting meetings, and a whole bunch of other stuff that doesn't make them or their shareholders any money. So the corporate tops meet and say, "OMG, how do we get these people to quit trying to out-pee each other on OUR patio and get back to selling widgets and widget juice and make more money for our shareholders? Hey, how about we just tell the anti-gun people that we will ask gun people to stop carrying guns in our business and we'll let the gun people know we aren't serious about it by not banning it or putting up any signs about it. Then they can all **** and we can get back to, you know, doing our flippin' business."
I'm still going to shop at Target just as much as I did before unless they start posting their stores. Signs go up, I go away, but until then, I am taking this as what I think it is - a corporation extricating itself from being in the middle of something that, as a business, they don't give 2 rips about and want nothing to do with one way or the other.