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Target Addresses Firearms


New member
Sep 26, 2013
NW North Carolina
July 2nd 2014: "Starting today we respectfully request that guests not bring firearms to Target – even in communities where it is permitted by law."

"This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief: Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create."



Regular Member
Jan 11, 2008
, ,
The anti-gunners were thrilled with the announcement. Target said they will not ban them nor will they post signs. So what will Target do if people continue to open carry in their stores. Seems like they wanted to please the anti-gunners without actually doing anything. We will see...............


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
Tempe, Arizona
Target spokesperson clarifies in this interview: "Molly Snyder, a Target spokeswoman, said the retailer will not post signs at its stores asking people not to bring guns inside. "It is not a ban," she said. "There is no prohibition."

Yes, a request but no signs. A technique for corporate to mollify the MDA crowd without offending gun carrying customers.

Ignore the request and carry as you normally would legally.


Regular Member
Mar 13, 2014
East Valley
Yes, a request but no signs. A technique for corporate to mollify the MDA crowd without offending gun carrying customers.

Ignore the request and carry as you normally would legally.

Ugh, I hate the "request" thing though, I feel like that puts them on the anti-gun side and they do not want my business.

Arin Morris

Regular Member
Dec 3, 2013
Oklahoma City
They should have went the Home Depot route.

“Our feeling is that ultimately, the voters direct the laws on gun carry issues, so we defer to the prevailing ordinances in states and communities,” said Stephen Holmes. “Therefore, customers who are legally permitted to carry firearms are allowed to do so when entering our stores, provided the firearms are carried in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.”


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina


Regular Member
Apr 19, 2010
I come from a land downunder.
This B.S. made news Down under!

Our **** stirring anti-firearms news media mogles couldn't wait to make this headline news here. Stirring up the anties and training the sheep into believing guns are bad! And we cannot even legally CC or OC anywhere, except at the gun club or rifle range?

OUTRAGED customers have taken to social media after US retail giant Target “respectfully” asked shoppers not to bring firearms into its stores.

In a statement posted Wednesday on the retailer’s corporate blog, interim CEO John Mulligan said that Target wants a “safe and inviting” atmosphere for its shoppers and employees.

“This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief: Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create,” he said.

But shoppers took to Facebook, with some claiming they would no longer shop at the store which was impinging on their rights.

“I am no longer shopping at Target due to your policy of allowing firearms in your stores. I appreciate you ‘respectfully’ asking people to leave their assault weapons at home but the people who want to bring their guns in don’t really care about respect for others,” wrote Marsa McKnelly Swatzell.

Another shopper Peggy Conrick said: “No more shopping at Target for my family since Target feels it necessary to prevent me from protecting my family with a legally owned and legally carried firearm. Leaving it at home or in my car is not at option. Any store that doesn’t allow me to protect my family is a store I will not be shopping at.”


Campaign Veteran
Apr 2, 2007
Southeast, Missouri, USA
I don't get too excited about these "requests". As I business owner I certainly understand why they use this approach. I also understand that for at least a few of these we have no one to blame but our fellow OC supporters whose exuberance finally pushed outside the envelope.

Most of these businesses huge corporations that just want to sell widgets or widget juice and make money. They don't want to be in this fight. So they say, "Hey, we are going to just follow local laws." Which is good for us. But then some group of people show up looking like a swat team caricature and freak out some patrons who are leveraged by anti-OC types to paint all of us with a broad brush.

Now the corporation, instead of selling widgets and widget juice is having to deal with twitter campaigns, email campaigns, news reporters requesting interviews, activists requesting meetings, and a whole bunch of other stuff that doesn't make them or their shareholders any money. So the corporate tops meet and say, "OMG, how do we get these people to quit trying to out-pee each other on OUR patio and get back to selling widgets and widget juice and make more money for our shareholders? Hey, how about we just tell the anti-gun people that we will ask gun people to stop carrying guns in our business and we'll let the gun people know we aren't serious about it by not banning it or putting up any signs about it. Then they can all **** and we can get back to, you know, doing our flippin' business."

I'm still going to shop at Target just as much as I did before unless they start posting their stores. Signs go up, I go away, but until then, I am taking this as what I think it is - a corporation extricating itself from being in the middle of something that, as a business, they don't give 2 rips about and want nothing to do with one way or the other.


Activist Member
Sep 28, 2010
Lenexa, Kansas
I don't get too excited either considering they didn't BAN firearms inside or anything. They just wanted to set a tone so some of the action would boil down some. I'm wondering when the next BIG STINK in media from the Anti-folks will come about again. Just from reading the news it looks like they've been making some wins, but nothing to really worry about. One of these days, something will bite and the anti-folks will be crying about more protection for the American people and such.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I don't get too excited either considering they didn't BAN firearms inside or anything. They just wanted to set a tone so some of the action would boil down some. I'm wondering when the next BIG STINK in media from the Anti-folks will come about again. Just from reading the news it looks like they've been making some wins, but nothing to really worry about. One of these days, something will bite and the anti-folks will be crying about more protection for the American people and such.

I suspect they will go after Walmart again at some point. Hopefully Walmart continues to stick to their guns(pun intended).


Regular Member
Apr 12, 2013
Williamsburg, VA
Here's the response I got from target after I emailed them a "no guns, no money" message:

Hello Target Guest,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

We’ve listened carefully to the nuances of this debate and respect the protected rights of everyone involved.

Target’s approach has always been to follow the local laws, and we continue to do so. In return, we respectfully request guests not bring firearms into Target stores – even in communities where it is permitted by law.

This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief: Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create.

We’ll share your viewpoint with Target leaders.


The Target team

Arin Morris

Regular Member
Dec 3, 2013
Oklahoma City
Almost every sentence in that response confuses me due to the contradictions.

What protected rights other than those interested in self defense are involved?

They allow firearms, but will only continue if we don't bring them into their store?

Firearms create an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping?

I don't get it.


Regular Member
Mar 13, 2014
East Valley
At the end of the day...

When it's all said and done I believe Target did the Politically correct thing in a Politically correct world. We should all continue to carry where it is legal and go about our business.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
@ Arin Morris,

I'm confused, too!

So, I guess when I go to my local Target and OC, I will "confusedly" be OC-ing my handgun (as I used to do there BEFORE this became news) -- and maybe/hopefully nothing will happen?

I hate to find out the hard way though...

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