Rather than bash you here (even though, you should probably BE bashed here), I'll give you a couple of documented/witnessed facts of life to keep in mind:
1) Sept. 11 wasnt a movie on tv. It actually DID take place, -not by any domestic agents/govt. entities, or shadow-governments.
Actually, it WAS a movie--about a year before, in the fall of 2000. There was a pilot episode of a spin-off series from X-Files called "Lone Gunman" that had the storyline of a government-sponsored black-op false flag operation where 2 airliners would be flown, by clandestinely-installed radio controllers, into the WTC towers, as a premise to whip up public support for expanded wars in the middle east...
Oh, yeah, and the NYT best-selling author John Nance wrote a book that released in 2000 called "Blackout" that was about a commercial jet being flown into the WTC by terrorists.
Oh, yeah, and Tom Clancy's book from 1994, "
Debt of Honor" used the same storyline...
But you're right, this was not a movie, and it was DEFINITELY not something that ANYONE could have predicted, let alone, scripted and planned...
2) Nearly 3000 of our citizens were, in fact, killed that day by Islamic terrorists. Not by falling t.v.s, or furniture -(and not that any appliance or furniture apparattus has ever conspired to, trained to, and/or carried-out physical attacks on humans-except in Road-Runner cartoons) It's not about the #s of people killed before, or since, it's about HOW and by WHOM they were killed. I can assure you, had one of your loved-ones been amongst those killed in those attacks, your attitude would likely be very very different.
Well, if you define "Islamic" as someone who would go to strip bars, get drunk, and smoke cigarettes, then yeah, maybe you are right. If you define "Islamic" as someone who was not an active member of AMY mosque in the US, and had not made Haj, then I suppose you might be right.
If you define "suicide terrorist" as someone who, several months after being identified as dying during the attack, turns up alive and well in some other part of the country (or world), as was the case with something like 7 of the "terrorists"...
Not discounting the 3000+ people who died in the "9/11 attacks" at all, but the fact is that according to the CDC, about 10 times that many people die each year in the US in automobile-related accidents. About three times that many people die each year in firearms-related events. About twice that many people die each year falling off ladders or roofs.
But for some strange reason there isn't a concerted effort on the part of our government or the media to have a "war on driving" or a "war on ladders"...
3) Those terrorists who carried out those attacks, lived and worked amongst us-via legal and less-than-legal infiltration. For every one of those who actually participated in the attacks themselves, upwards of 20-30 more folks assisted them- material, financial, logistical, recon, etc. We call them "cells". They were,have been and continue to be and operate amongst us, and they were, have and continue to strive to carry out attacks at some point in the future.
And many of them CONTINUED to live and work among us AFTER they supposedly died in the crashes, as were reported by major news outlets all over the world. Pretty interesting, eh? So, apparently not only are these "terrorists" hell-bent on killing Americans even if they have to commit suicide to do it, but they are IMMORTAL, and somehow managed to survive these events, and then turn up all over the world months later.
Yeah, that makes sense...
4)None of the 3000+ folks who got up, went to work, travel or whatever in their day-to-day lives that day, had any reason to think what happened to them would happen to them. Just like you today. YOU, however, dont get a choice in the matter.
If Jihad Bob decides to strap a vest to his chest and walk into where you happen to be today-game over. And Im pretty sure you wont mistake that attack as coming from a T.V. or a chair.
I bet none of the young men who woke up in US military barracks in the mid-1960s thought they would be shipped off to die in a war based on a government-fabricated lie either (Gulf of Tonkin). But the Military-Industrial Complex gleefully sacrificed 40,000+ American lives on the alter of greed, militaristic expansion and increased profits in that little "adventure"...
Now, does that mean all these TSA scans and all that crap make any sense? No. That's just Goverment being government, and seeing a oppty. to put more controls into effect, create some more agencies with which to have to fund with tax $$$, and a knee-jerk "HEY ! LOOK WE'RE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT, WITHOUT OFFENDING ANY PARTICULAR MURDERING SAVAGES, SPECIFICALLY" reaction.
Try not to buy or read too much into it, eh, sparky?
TSA has NOTHING to do with the government being a bureaucracy out of control--it is all about dehumanizing and conditioning the populace to get them to accept living in a prison culture. It's not about profits anymore. It's not about corporate expansion anymore--the "ruling elite" already own everything. Events like 9/11 and the expansion of TSA and DHS powers are about CONTROL over every last facet of the lives of individual people. It is about absolute control--which is what the psychopaths at the "top" are really all about.
They tell you what sort of toilet you can own. They tell you what sort of light bulbs you can use. They tell you what sort of milk you can drink. The force you to take medicines that are proven to do more harm than good.
The world is run by psychopaths and sociopaths, and they are, for the most part, not scruffy men living in caves wearing turbans. They are Ivy-League educated descendents of European Royalty, wearing Brooks Brothers suits and attending secret meetings several times a year that they claim don't exist...
Sociopaths will ALWAYS rise to the top in any organized culture. This is an indesputable truth of sociology. We are just unfortunate enough to be living in the segment of history where they are throwing off their cloaks of secrecy and allowing their sociopathic hubris to express itself in the full openness of their control-freak glory.