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The Cadre

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sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
I bit of humor goes a long way, I will give my "aye" to it. Although I was surprised to be told I was not a member of the cadre.

On another note Eye95 did have some good input and has left a few legacies like his talent for coming up with sticky short acronomyns like "FUQ" which is a great idea.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Rouge Moderator

Why no discussion about this “Rouge Moderator?”

Does the “Rouge Moderator” get a gold star?

I think this Rouge Moderator should be of few words, but only when acting as a Rouge Moderator.

I believe the only phrases allowed to be used as a Rouge Moderator are as follows:








And yes, all caps must be used.

Terms not permitted to be used by the Rouge Moderator, with good reason, are:

move on

moving on

not moving on

ANY QUESTIONS???????????

Running Wolf

Campaign Veteran
May 10, 2009
Corner of No and Where
I, for one, think Eye95 brought a valid, useful viewpoint to the discussion. I didn't always agree with the viewpoint, but I feel this board is less without it.


"I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member." -Groucho Marx


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2011
Since I'm so new here, can someone give me the background and meaning of all this?

Baaaasically...a group of people habitually disagreed with a now banned member, and said member nicknamed that group of individuals the "Cadre" in an attempt to dismiss the validity of their argument through the appearance of undesireable association.

I personally find it quite humorous, given that those who use the term in a derogatory sense were always the first to bitch about ad hominems, personal attacks and accusations of dishonesty. :eyeroll:

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
cad·re noun 2: a nucleus or core group especially [narrowly] of trained personnel able to assume control and to train others; broadly : a group of people having some unifying relationship <a cadre of lawyers>
Just sayin.....again.

Freedom First

Regular Member
Dec 8, 2010
Kennewick, Wa.
I, for one, think Eye95 brought a valid, useful viewpoint to the discussion. I didn't always agree with the viewpoint, but I feel this board is less without it.

Agreed. As a whole, OCDO is a vast and strange group of people. We have folks from every place on the political spectrum and every behavior or lifestyle seems to be represented here. That's one of the main things that has kept me here.

So, yes, I'll miss him. Just as I would miss anyone who sometimes made me pause and reflect. Regardless of the validity of the issue or the correctness of the point. He did bring a specific character to OCDO that is now gone and I feel that we, collectively, are less for that loss.

And to those of you who seemed to make it your personal task to drive him off, shame. I know he clearly played his part in this whole issue but there were many times that people could have simply "moved on" and left Eye to his opinion instead of attacking him but you didn't.

Sometimes it takes a better man to make the better choice.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
Although I was surprised to be told I was not a member of the cadre.

Nonsense! By whom?

On another note Eye95 did have some good input and has left a few legacies like his talent for coming up with sticky short acronomyns like "FUQ" which is a great idea.

Yeah, but then there was that god-awful GGOIYPNR. Or is that GAGGOIYPNR?


Campaign Veteran
Aug 13, 2007
Fairfax County, Virginia
And to those of you who seemed to make it your personal task to drive him off, shame. I know he clearly played his part in this whole issue but there were many times that people could have simply "moved on" and left Eye to his opinion instead of attacking him but you didn't.

Sometimes it takes a better man to make the better choice.

I must say I'm genuinely stunned to find that eye95's disingenuous tactics worked on even a single person.

When it comes to eye95, I will not hesitate to reply to this post with: "it takes two to tango".

I was asked at one point by a poster here to redact a post I made to avoid further inflaming eye95 (so as to delay the self-banning we eventually saw). I did so. I suspect others were quite willing to let it drop rather than "attack" eye95 as well.

But that's only one side of the story.

In addition to persistent intellectual dishonesty, eye95 is one of the most passive-aggressive individuals I have ever encountered, routinely poisoning discussion with manipulative false "civility". He repeatedly used this tactic to goad people into heated discussions where he could, to a superficial observer, appear to be "attacked".

I truly didn't start this threat to gloat (or to make posts like this) – I started it for the humor (I suppose it's a little serious as well). Despite the above I suppose I, too, would prefer to keep ol' eye95 around.

But the discord that lead to eye95's eventual "dismissal" was always a very thoroughly two-way street.
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Regular Member
Oct 1, 2011
Agreed. As a whole, OCDO is a vast and strange group of people. We have folks from every place on the political spectrum and every behavior or lifestyle seems to be represented here. That's one of the main things that has kept me here.

So, yes, I'll miss him. Just as I would miss anyone who sometimes made me pause and reflect. Regardless of the validity of the issue or the correctness of the point. He did bring a specific character to OCDO that is now gone and I feel that we, collectively, are less for that loss.

And to those of you who seemed to make it your personal task to drive him off, shame. I know he clearly played his part in this whole issue but there were many times that people could have simply "moved on" and left Eye to his opinion instead of attacking him but you didn't.

Sometimes it takes a better man to make the better choice.

You do realize the member in question was not "driven off", but temporarily suspended for attacking the owners of the site and the moderator repeatedly, and then permanently banned at his own request?

One could speculate at the reasoning behind that, if one were inclined to give a damn, which, frankly, I don't. There are much more productive uses of my time.
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