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The opposite of an Introduction


Founder's Club Member
Nov 25, 2006
Suwannee County, FL
I don't know if anybody noticed, but my location was removed a little while ago.

Since I cannot afford to buy Rights, America is, in regard to Rights, far worse than many other countries. It's not just the State of Florida. I'm leaving the country and renouncing my citizenship. America is over. Everyone is brainwashed by their kool aid of choice, too arrogant and proud to turn on their brains.

The war has been lost by forfeit. Nobody showed up for the fight. Too busy making heady excuses to describe sitting on their thumbs as noble.

Is the grass greener elsewhere? Probably not. But there is no grass at all in what used to be the USA. I mourn those who gave their lives to make this nation great, only to have it destroyed from the inside. The Bill of Rights is naught but a figment of your imagination.

Not-so-green grass is better than no grass at all.

Billy D

Regular Member
Oct 23, 2011
I don't know if anybody noticed, but my location was removed a little while ago.

Since I cannot afford to buy Rights, America is, in regard to Rights, far worse than many other countries. It's not just the State of Florida. I'm leaving the country and renouncing my citizenship. America is over. Everyone is brainwashed by their kool aid of choice, too arrogant and proud to turn on their brains.

The war has been lost by forfeit. Nobody showed up for the fight. Too busy making heady excuses to describe sitting on their thumbs as noble.

Is the grass greener elsewhere? Probably not. But there is no grass at all in what used to be the USA. I mourn those who gave their lives to make this nation great, only to have it destroyed from the inside. The Bill of Rights is naught but a figment of your imagination.

Not-so-green grass is better than no grass at all.



Regular Member
Jan 14, 2009
Northwest Kent County, Michigan
Ixtow, sorry to see you move. I'm in Thailand where there are no gun rights, although it is possible to get a carry permit (so long as you have the money and political connections).

Are you the same Ixtow who attend the the KTOG group get together at the range several years back? If so, you may remember me as the event's organizer.

I left Florida when I got married. Someday, I'll be back though. Thanks for bringing all those 'toys' to the event. That was a load of fun!

Not many expat locations abroad are gun rights friendly. I heard that it was relatively easy to get a carry permit in Belize or Costa Rica (not sure which). Low cost of living in both places and large expatriate communities can be found there though.

Good luck and best wishes!


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2011
Will you still be logging on to the forum and spreading your usual cheer and good will among your friends here?:dude:


Regular Member
Jun 29, 2008
SE of DiSOrDEr, ,
Ixtow, sorry to see you move. I'm in Thailand where there are no gun rights, although it is possible to get a carry permit (so long as you have the money and political connections).

Are you the same Ixtow who attend the the KTOG group get together at the range several years back? If so, you may remember me as the event's organizer.

I left Florida when I got married. Someday, I'll be back though. Thanks for bringing all those 'toys' to the event. That was a load of fun!

Not many expat locations abroad are gun rights friendly. I heard that it was relatively easy to get a carry permit in Belize or Costa Rica (not sure which). Low cost of living in both places and large expatriate communities can be found there though.

Good luck and best wishes!

Belize. Nice place. Only English-speaking country in S. America.


Regular Member
Jan 6, 2011
Well then, allow me to provide you with some enlightening potential desitinations as an alternative.. any of which is sure to provide priceless lessons in hindsight and perspective:

Beginning with our Communist colleagues :

Cuba- Where you experience all the joys of totalitarianism and glorious socialism- with a nice, warm, tropical flavor:


Viet Nam - go see what wonders the lovely people of Nam fought so hard for..


North Korea, perhaps.. learn to enjoy K9 cuisine, while working hard towards achieving Socialist Bliss!



How about a more cultural, and spiritual experience?

Somalia perhaps, where you can not only starve to death in Anarchist paradise, but enjoy sorting out who's the local Warlord of the Month to bribe..


Yemen, maybe? with any luck you may get to wear a turban while searching for bugs to eat..


Oh, here's a happy destination- Iran, where you can spend your days playing hide n seek with the Religious Police


Or good old Afghanistan- wont be quiet as cozy for you as it is for our lads currently serving over there, but hey... its an alternative, no?


Or, as other's have mentioned, there's always Canada- not so far away, somewhat modern, and you can drink tons of Moose Urine...(they call it "beer" ;) up that way)



Founder's Club Member
Apr 9, 2011
Miami, FL
That's a real shame, dude. I've been just about everywhere, and it doesn't get much better than here. Latin America is hell, for the most part. Asia's no good if you're into guns. Great lifestyle in most of Europe: no guns, though. The only place you can truly go is Switzerland: they love their guns there and it's like a national sport. The only issue is that you'll face is economic: you've got to be a Rockefeller to afford the bare necessities. Good luck and let us know.


Activist Member
Apr 7, 2011
Anderson, SC
I can't wait to see who we award this too:



New member
Jul 15, 2011
Sarasota FL
Leaving the USA?

I lived for years in Panama and I loved it. After about a years residence I was able to get a gun permit without any problem. That permit allowed me to have a gun, and carry it virtually anywhere. The only thing I didn't like is that taking your own guns there is complicated and expensive. Buying guns there is not that complicated once you have a permit, but they are twice the price they are here. The only reason I came back was because of health reasons as I now qualify for medicare!
Not many local people there speak English, but banks, hotels, etc always have English speakers. I speak Spanish so I had no problem.:banana:


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2007
Marion County, FL
I looked at this issue awhile ago, and the only 1st world country that had better gun rights was Switzerland. "Had" because they use to have constitutional carry but now it's restricted to permitted carry in most places unless you're going to the range unloaded. Purchase and possession is still really good for citizens. A permit must be issued to non-criminals to buy any semi-auto gun or a machine gun that the military uses. New machine guns that the military doesn't use are apparently restricted.

Some third world pits had complete gun freedom.

Some first world countries are much freer than the U.S. if you're not into guns or drugs. Singapore comes to mind.
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Campaign Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
He is over reacting and bluffing. He did this before when open carry didn't pass in FL.

"concealed carry is just too dangerous now! I'M TURNING MY PERMIT IN IT'S TOO DANGEROUS"


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2009
South Whidbey, Washington, USA
I looked at this issue awhile ago, and the only 1st world country that had better gun rights was Switzerland. "Had" because they use to have constitutional carry but now it's restricted to permitted carry in most places unless you're going to the range unloaded. Purchase and possession is still really good for citizens. A permit must be issued to non-criminals to buy any semi-auto gun or a machine gun that the military uses. New machine guns that the military doesn't use are apparently restricted.

Some third world pits had complete gun freedom.

Some first world countries are much freer than the U.S. if you're not into guns or drugs. Singapore comes to mind.

Singapore? How you figure? I've always heard from my folks (who lived over there) that if a guy gets off the airplane with long hair they drag him straight to the barber or tell him to GTFO. Among other things.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Founder's Club Member
Nov 25, 2006
Suwannee County, FL
America is no better than other countries in regard to "rights," you only have the Rights that you can buy. So they claim it's legal or illegal. That definition means nothing.

Why do rats abandon a sinking ship? Because it's sinking, dumbass... :p Rats are smarter than most people. Especially Americans, it would seem...

The smart people got out of Poland while they still could.

This isn't about guns. There is a much bigger picture. Guns aren't going to do you any good. Money and your own Home are the weapons of this war, and you have let it go too far. All that is left is the endgame. The trap is set and you can't escape it now.

I've always liked HPA guns better anyway. Castelman, yum... No expensive ammo. No supply chain. Quieter. Less muzzle energy, but still enough to do the job...

That counts two people who have tried to get me to move to Thailand... Dr. Owen Geiger spent about a month trying to talk me into it.

Really? You guys think I'm going to post where I'm going? English Speaking isn't a requirement. I'm kinda smart, I speak Russian, Spanish, Mandarin, and a little French... Most people in this world speak more than one language. Since America is imploding, you better start learning... You're not special, either. I'm not some helpless, rolly-polly, obsessed-with-jersey-shore idiot. I can do a lot better where the government isn't making common sense illegal. Doing for myself, by myself. It's a crime in the USA.

You've missed out on your chance to Join or Die. I was fool enough to trust it might happen, so I hung around. Now all that is left is to Adapt or Die.

Bluff, ha! I've had these plans laid out for years, just in case. Bluffing about what? How does this affect you? I held out to the last strand of hope that this wouldn't be necessary. Any longer is just self-delusion.

You people would leave me to be the first on Niemoller's list. You're so pumped full of nationalism you won't see it until it's too late. America's only hope was for an intervention from an external power. But, unfortunately, they flew their planes into the WTC instead of the Capital Building, and nobody here figured it out...
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Regular Member
Feb 5, 2007
Marion County, FL
Singapore? How you figure? I've always heard from my folks (who lived over there) that if a guy gets off the airplane with long hair they drag him straight to the barber or tell him to GTFO. Among other things.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Singapore is a totalitarian state, much like the U.S. In some ways worse. Economic freedom is greater in many parts of Asia. Taxes and regulations on working/starting a business are much lighter in places like China or Singapore. A quick search on Singapore brings back the info that 15% is the limit of how much money can be stolen in through taxes. Money made overseas is not even taxed! When it's all said and done, my dad pays about 50% of his annual income in taxes here in the "land of the free".
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Regular Member
Feb 5, 2007
Marion County, FL
You're so pumped full of nationalism you won't see it until it's too late.

I tend to agree with this. In church on veterans day, instead of exposition of the Word of God, I heard state worship. It was extremely disturbing. Little of what was said corresponded with reality.


Founder's Club Member
Nov 25, 2006
Suwannee County, FL
Singapore? How you figure? I've always heard from my folks (who lived over there) that if a guy gets off the airplane with long hair they drag him straight to the barber or tell him to GTFO. Among other things.

Ask any Conservative what they would do to a long-haired hippy...

America is no different from Singapore. With the exception that you can buy your Rights for a lot less money in Singapore, than the USA.

Thailand is an interesting example. Yes, it's illegal to own a gun there, for the most part. But, if you have $100, or live near a conflict zone... The Cops aren't inhuman like they are here. You'd be nuts NOT to have an AK in some of those places. An expat who isn't a total slob generally gets special treatment. I don't agree with special treatment, but I have far more Rights in almost any foreign country chosen at random, than I do here.

I've actually BEEN THERE. Have you? How many people think america is so great based on what he news tells them?

Put your Kel Tec in a box and FedEx it to your neighbor. In far more polite nations, you'll get your box with a smile. If it gets held at customs and discovered, it's not your name, and the guy they ask questions of honestly has no idea and won't get in trouble. Be extra nice to him for a week or so, buy him a case of beer for his troubles... Embrace the Counter Economy; it's the most American thing there has ever been.

Do you have any idea how much a Glock sells for in Vietnam? Sure, the Right is still for sale, but at least it can be had.

The Constitution doesn't Grant Rights, it fails to protect them. It's just a piece of paper. If you won't back it up, and you clearly refuse to; then you lose it. YOU have to do it. YOU have to stand up to the Guv. YOU have take up arms. YOU have to get off your sofa in your ivory-tower and DO it. This is the one and only reason why we have a Second Amendment. If you just sit there making excuses, and you have, then you've already lost. You got too comfortable, and you waited too long. It's over.

I'm not going to be the first hauled away while you still refuse to acknowledge that someday it'll be you. You let your only friend and ally get hauled off first.

You, my Countrymen, betrayed me to the Hangman. I seek only to spare myself the gallows and let you reap what you've sown. It seems you won't learn any other way. Maybe when you wake up I'll be back. It's better than letting you watch me die.

Who among you would still return to help those who betrayed you to the noose? Who has that kind of patience and forgiveness? You haven't even figured out what you've done, refuse to take responsibility for it, throw it in my face, insult me, and I already forgive you. I'm not special. I learned from history, and you refuse to and will repeat it. I can't help you later if I let you kill me now. I am not the Messiah, I will not rise again.


This is happening again, right now. It just hasn't happened to you ... yet. Your selfishness and obesity will be your undoing.

Religious or not, there is wisdom in avoiding the 7 Cardinal Sins. You have embraced them and relabeled them as "success." You now reap what you've sown. You can't vote the Laws of Nature into oblivion. The 7 Cardinal Sins are Laws of Nature. It doesn't matter if a religious person or a non-religious person discovered them and wrote them down. In the same way that the Bill of Rights doesn't Grant Rights, it merely enumerates Natural Rights essential to Liberty. It doesn't matter who wrote it. If you refuse to protect it, you lose it. The Bill of Rights is not a piece of paper that you can lean on. It leans on YOU. It depends on YOU to hold it up. It depends on YOU for protection. It is nothing but a written reminder of what YOU need to DO, what it takes to get it back once lost, and what awaits you once it is lost.

You don't have to believe in a god to value wisdom regardless of it's source. Refusing wisdom just because you've decided to hate the source... Well, duh. Here we are at the inevitable conclusion. Hate should never be valued. Freedom is Choice, for what is Love but the Choice to Give it?

You have no idea what I just said, do you?
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