As of Wed. morning, 10am WI time:
Do you support open carry handgun laws?
Yes 85.9% 152
No 14.1% 25 votes
Though the question, & some of their map labels*, are misleading.
No, I don't support OC handgun laws.
Laws only exist to restrict, even those which modify restrictions**.
I support having no restrictions on Constitutionally-protected rights.
[Beyond the obvious & common-sense "don't harm someone else" sorts of things.]
* The green & red states are really equivalent.
"States with laws allowing permit holders to openly display handguns."
"States that restrict people from openly carrying handguns."
**In some states, cc &/or OC is forbidden, but an exception to that restriction is having a carry license which is valid in that state.
Posted the above to that article, w/ encouragment for people to come to OCDO & learn.