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time line for non-resident Arizona permit


Regular Member
Jun 11, 2009
Shalimar, Florida
Sent e-mail to the Arizona Department of Public Safety requesting a CCW application packet -28 December 2015.
Received actual Arizona permit 27 February 2016.

The application packet contained much gobbledy-gook regarding the documents required to verify training. I included a copy of my DD-214, and that was apparently sufficient.
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Regular Member
Dec 10, 2006
Tucson, Arizona, USA
Sent e-mail to the Arizona Department of Public Safety requesting a CCW application packet -28 December 2015.
Received actual Arizona permit 27 February 2016. The application packet contained much gobbledy-gook regarding the documents required to verify training. I included a copy of my DD-214, and that was apparently sufficient.
Living in Virginia, you should have recognized Arizona's permit requirements.

We (AzCDL) crafted the "suggested" language for the current version of the Arizona CCW permit requirements from Florida's law which is the basis of Virginia's law (where I lived prior to Arizona).

Prior to that you could only get an Arizona permit from a state certified instructor who lived in the state of Arizona. You can read more about it here.
