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TN Open Carry Report


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2011
Elizabethton, TN
I couldn't help but notice that TN doesn't have an OC report thread, while the two closest states to me, NC and VA, have several-seemingly one for each region. And while I would like to make an East TN thread (because let's face it, East, Middle and West TN are very different from each other), I realize OC in TN isn't exactly popular, so I guess one thread will have to do for the state. After all, we do have preemption, so we all fall under the same laws-unless there's a town that got grandfathered in that I don't know about. What better place to learn?

So anyway, I just recently started "OCing." I put that in quotes because I've really OCed only about once. I got my renention holster (Serpa CQC) about a month ago, but most of the time my jacket has caused me to be concealed when I would otherwise be open. It was just mild enough today for me to do my first Wal-Mart walk. I don't have a voice recorder so I had my cell phone taking a video in my pocket the whole time. It was a pretty busy day-about like any Saturday afternoon-so I think it was good way to break the ice. I went into get some cokes for the new years party (alcohol is already in good supply), but not before I went through the automotive section and checked out this prestone window deicer spray one of my coworkers was talking about last night.

Anyway I'm pretty sure I got a few looks, and maybe a few whispers to each other, but nobody said anything to me. When I got in line I had a young couple get behind me. I couldn't tell if they noticed, but they were talking to each other. Could have been anything. The recording on my phone said I was in there for 15 minutes, but it felt more like 5.

After that I stopped by Taco Bell to pick up lunch-once again, uneventful. Some probably noticed as I had a few people behind me in tables, but I didn't notice any looks.

So come on Tennesseeans, let's get this ball rolling. Share your stories-good and bad.


Activist Member
Apr 7, 2011
Anderson, SC
Nice. I'm in SC and travel to TN every few months. Hearing some OC experiences should help me, and others, know where problem areas or stores may be.
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Oh Shoot

Regular Member
Aug 9, 2010
... know where problem areas or stores may be.

There really aren't any commonly reported. LEOs state wide seem quite versed on the legality of open carry.

Just note that OC is by permit only, though, and any LEO can ask to see yours, and you must comply.

If you see that as being hassled, well, then OC enough it'll probably eventually happen, if for no other reason 'cause you can't prevent some weenie calling in a "man with a gun" report, and of course then they pretty much have to respond.

And of course, there's that stupid posting law, where we're about the only state in the union that has a separate and specific criminal penalty for simply carrying past a sign. If you missed the sign carrying concealed, who would know -- but OC, and of course you become a nail sticking up.

- OS


Regular Member
May 19, 2010
Tennessee, USA
..... there's that stupid posting law, where we're about the only state in the union that has a separate and specific criminal penalty for simply carrying past a sign. If you missed the sign carrying concealed, who would know -- but OC, and of course you become a nail sticking up.

- OS

I seldom observe others open carrying. As I've seen several potentially aggressive dogs and people recently, I've begun open carrying when I walk my dogs. No one has made a comment or seemed to notice.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2011
Elizabethton, TN
There really aren't any commonly reported. LEOs state wide seem quite versed on the legality of open carry.

Just note that OC is by permit only, though, and any LEO can ask to see yours, and you must comply.

If you see that as being hassled, well, then OC enough it'll probably eventually happen, if for no other reason 'cause you can't prevent some weenie calling in a "man with a gun" report, and of course then they pretty much have to respond.

And of course, there's that stupid posting law, where we're about the only state in the union that has a separate and specific criminal penalty for simply carrying past a sign. If you missed the sign carrying concealed, who would know -- but OC, and of course you become a nail sticking up.

- OS

yep, us and AZ are the only two that I know of that have that kinda of law.


Regular Member
Aug 5, 2010
I OC here and there around Nashville when I'm not going to campus which, unfortunately, isn't often. But I've gone in a few different Wal-Marts a couple of times, Qdoba, and Radnor Lake once or twice (yes, it was holstered, lol). I also make the occasional stop in Columbia or Collinwood when traveling back home. So far no positive or negative encounters of any kind. Maybe a curious glance at most.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2011
Elizabethton, TN
I OC here and there around Nashville when I'm not going to campus which, unfortunately, isn't often. But I've gone in a few different Wal-Marts a couple of times, Qdoba, and Radnor Lake once or twice (yes, it was holstered, lol). I also make the occasional stop in Columbia or Collinwood when traveling back home. So far no positive or negative encounters of any kind. Maybe a curious glance at most.

I know how you feel. I didn't get my permit until just a few months ago, and last semester I couldn't carry about half the days of the week because at some point I'd be going to campus. I started carrying my empty holster there near the end of the semester, but never got any comments on it.


Regular Member
Jun 29, 2011
Johnson City, TN
I know how you feel. I didn't get my permit until just a few months ago, and last semester I couldn't carry about half the days of the week because at some point I'd be going to campus. I started carrying my empty holster there near the end of the semester, but never got any comments on it.

Just curious, you wouldn't happen to be a student at East Tennessee State University, would you (that's where I'm a student)?

Anyway, I've got a different question regarding a holster. As a Christmas gift, I got a Serpa Blackhawk! CQC concealment holster designed for my Glock 27, with two holster types in the package: a belt loop holster and a paddle holster. I know how the belt loop holster works. However, I have no clue as to how the paddle holster works. Where does it go on my body? (inside pants? outside pants? above pants at chest level? shoulder? ankle?)? Do I run a belt through it, and, if so, where (behind holster, in front of holster, or between paddle and gun?)? Overall, how does this contraption work :confused:?


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2011
Elizabethton, TN
Just curious, you wouldn't happen to be a student at East Tennessee State University, would you (that's where I'm a student)?

Anyway, I've got a different question regarding a holster. As a Christmas gift, I got a Serpa Blackhawk! CQC concealment holster designed for my Glock 27, with two holster types in the package: a belt loop holster and a paddle holster. I know how the belt loop holster works. However, I have no clue as to how the paddle holster works. Where does it go on my body? (inside pants? outside pants? above pants at chest level? shoulder? ankle?)? Do I run a belt through it, and, if so, where (behind holster, in front of holster, or between paddle and gun?)? Overall, how does this contraption work :confused:?

yes, I am currently a student at ETSU. If you happen to pick up an East Tennessean from last semester, you'll find my name in all of them, right next to where it says Photography Editor.

As for the Serpa, you have the same holster I do. The paddle serves the same purpose the belt loop attachment does, it's just bigger and designed to be used without a belt if you so desire. The largest/outer part of the paddle goes inside your pants, the smaller part goes outside, and attaches the holster itself. There are two little hooks that should have come with your holster. Read the instructions about how to put those into place with a quarter. Those hooks are what the paddle uses to grab your belt. There's a third hook integral with the paddle, but I like having the two hooks as well.

I prefer to wear it with these hooks in place at all times and with a belt, as the holster will come out with your gun if you yank it hard enough (not to mention it keeps the gun from sagging outward). Without a belt you should be ok as well, that's what it's designed for.

There's really only one way to wear a serpa paddle. Try putting in on your wasteband and you'll see how it works-you just have to pull apart the two sides a little bit.


Regular Member
Jun 29, 2011
Johnson City, TN
yes, I am currently a student at ETSU. If you happen to pick up an East Tennessean from last semester, you'll find my name in all of them, right next to where it says Photography Editor.

As for the Serpa, you have the same holster I do. The paddle serves the same purpose the belt loop attachment does, it's just bigger and designed to be used without a belt if you so desire. The largest/outer part of the paddle goes inside your pants, the smaller part goes outside, and attaches the holster itself. There are two little hooks that should have come with your holster. Read the instructions about how to put those into place with a quarter. Those hooks are what the paddle uses to grab your belt. There's a third hook integral with the paddle, but I like having the two hooks as well.

I prefer to wear it with these hooks in place at all times and with a belt, as the holster will come out with your gun if you yank it hard enough (not to mention it keeps the gun from sagging outward). Without a belt you should be ok as well, that's what it's designed for.

There's really only one way to wear a serpa paddle. Try putting in on your wasteband and you'll see how it works-you just have to pull apart the two sides a little bit.

Well, that's interesting, looks like we have two semi-famous-at-ETSU people on this forum: I'm one of your Student Government Association Senators....

Anyway, I think I figured out the holster from your description I bolded and underlined. My main problem was that my mind was picturing the thing UPSIDE DOWN. Hence, two problems occured: (1) the gun-holding part would either have only two of the three points of contact fastened or would itself be upside down, and (2) as mentioned, I had no idea where would it attach (as putting it upside down would prevent me from using it to clip it to my jeans). And, yeah, I did figure out how to use a quarter to put in the clips. The "instructions" showed how to put those on but not how to actually wear the thing :confused:.....

Anyway, thanks for the help. Who knows, I may run into you on campus at some point.
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Regular Member
Jul 29, 2011
Elizabethton, TN
Well, that's interesting, looks like we have two semi-famous-at-ETSU people on this forum: I'm one of your Student Government Association Senators....

Anyway, I think I figured out the holster from your description I bolded and underlined. My main problem was that my mind was picturing the thing UPSIDE DOWN. Hence, two problems occured: (1) the gun-holding part would either have only two of the three points of contact fastened or would itself be upside down, and (2) as mentioned, I had no idea where would it attach (as putting it upside down would prevent me from using it to clip it to my jeans). And, yeah, I did figure out how to use a quarter to put in the clips. The "instructions" showed how to put those on but not how to actually wear the thing :confused:.....

Anyway, thanks for the help. Who knows, I may run into you on campus at some point.

not likely. not unless you're near the ET office and I happen to be there on production night. I only have one class left and it's an online class, so I won't be on campus at all this semester. I won't be the photo editor either, as there's a new rule that says you must be a full time student to be an editor. so I'm just going to be a photographer this semester.

back OT: I went to Poor Richard's On Campus yesterday and noticed they were...kindof posted. They have a printed sign on the door that simply states what the law is about carrying into an establishment that is posted no weapons, but it didn't actually say they were pohibited there. They might as well have a posting that says it's illegal to drive without a drivers license. I would have talked to the manager but they weren't on duty. The only person working there said they'd be in Tuesday morning so I'll be calling them about it.

Oh and before anyone gets on me about patronizing a posted establishment, not only was I with my fiancee who wouldn't have accepted going somewhere else, but I lack integrity-their food is just too good, and good sandwich places are hard to come by around here. I have the same problem with Chik-Fil-A. I despise their politics, but their food is just too good. There's just nothing like PR's or Chik-fil-A that I can divert to. That's not going to stop me from putting a red flag on PR's place on friendorfoe.us after I talk to the manager in the morning, though.


Regular Member
Jun 29, 2011
Johnson City, TN
not likely. not unless you're near the ET office and I happen to be there on production night. I only have one class left and it's an online class, so I won't be on campus at all this semester. I won't be the photo editor either, as there's a new rule that says you must be a full time student to be an editor. so I'm just going to be a photographer this semester.

back OT: I went to Poor Richard's On Campus yesterday and noticed they were...kindof posted. They have a printed sign on the door that simply states what the law is about carrying into an establishment that is posted no weapons, but it didn't actually say they were pohibited there. They might as well have a posting that says it's illegal to drive without a drivers license. I would have talked to the manager but they weren't on duty. The only person working there said they'd be in Tuesday morning so I'll be calling them about it.

Oh and before anyone gets on me about patronizing a posted establishment, not only was I with my fiancee who wouldn't have accepted going somewhere else, but I lack integrity-their food is just too good, and good sandwich places are hard to come by around here. I have the same problem with Chik-Fil-A. I despise their politics, but their food is just too good. There's just nothing like PR's or Chik-fil-A that I can divert to. That's not going to stop me from putting a red flag on PR's place on friendorfoe.us after I talk to the manager in the morning, though.

That sounds like the Applebee's on North Roan Street in front of the Mall. Their entrance has a small foyer just past the doors. On the left wall of this foyer (buried in with a bunch of other signs and miscellaneous items, of course) is a sign with just the words: "NOTICE: NO GUNS, KNIVES, OR WEAPONS ALLOWED." It doesn't have the gunbuster symbol and it doesn't have the "substantially similar" language of the statute that would make it a "posted" place where carrying past the entrance could result in automatic arrest. Therefore, carrying there would not technically be illegal until they ask you to leave. For that matter, the Johnson City Mall is the same way. As far as I can tell, none of the entrances have a legally-recognized posting. The only way I knew about it is that I read that huge wall of 12-point font text called the "Mall Rules" and saw that firearms were prohibited. Of course, this prohibition was buried in with about 20 or so other rules and wasn't available at even a quarter of the entrances (and certainly at none of the major stores: Sears, Belk, JC Penny's, etc.).

Of course, I wouldn't recommend carrying there regardless of the sign. Even if the sign isn't technically legal, carrying in a place where the owner's intention is not to allow guns is still bad form and a poor reflection on gun carriers. Oh, and if you don't mind, post on this forum what you find out about Poor Richards. I've never been there and have been thinking about checking them out based on some good stuff I've heard from people. But, if the owner doesn't respect my second amendment rights, my mind might just be swayed the other way.


Regular Member
Jul 29, 2011
Elizabethton, TN
hahaha, that's funny about Applebee's, as I carried there just a few days ago. It wasn't OC as I was wearing my coat, but I did go to the bathroom without it, so I guess nobody noticed. I even looked for a sign as it'd been a while since I'd been there and I didn't think about looking in the foyer. I thought the corporate stance on carry for Applebee's was to follow state law. I'll have to follow up on that one as well.

But yeah, I couldn't blame you about PR's. Their sandwiches are awesome, if a little overpriced (but what sandwiches places aren't?), so I'm already hooked. But without them you've still got Jimmy John's, Jersey Mike's, and Alley Kat (try their BBQ cheese fries), all within half a mile to 2 miles, and then Blue Circle if you feel like going to Elizabethton.


Regular Member
Apr 10, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I went to Poor Richard's On Campus yesterday and noticed they were...kindof posted. .....I would have talked to the manager but they weren't on duty. The only person working there said they'd be in Tuesday morning so I'll be calling them about it.
Please don't. At the moment their sign holds no legal weight. After you call it will.


Regular Member
Jun 29, 2011
Johnson City, TN
hahaha, that's funny about Applebee's, as I carried there just a few days ago. It wasn't OC as I was wearing my coat, but I did go to the bathroom without it, so I guess nobody noticed. I even looked for a sign as it'd been a while since I'd been there and I didn't think about looking in the foyer. I thought the corporate stance on carry for Applebee's was to follow state law. I'll have to follow up on that one as well.

But yeah, I couldn't blame you about PR's. Their sandwiches are awesome, if a little overpriced (but what sandwiches places aren't?), so I'm already hooked. But without them you've still got Jimmy John's, Jersey Mike's, and Alley Kat (try their BBQ cheese fries), all within half a mile to 2 miles, and then Blue Circle if you feel like going to Elizabethton.

I drove by the Applebee's today, and saw that the sign was still there (it also had the Spanish version of "NOTICE: NO GUNS, KNIVES, OR WEAPONS ALLOWED" just below it). However, I'm not surprised that you missed it. If you enter the right set of outer doors, you would have to turn 90 degrees to the left to see it (135 degrees if you are focused on the inner set of doors). If you enter the left set of outer doors, you would have to COMPLETELY TURN AROUND to see it. Come to think of it, the first time that I saw the sign occured when I was LEAVING the place.

BTW, if you like good BBQ and/or BBQ sandwiches, you should try the Firehouse Restaurant just a few hundred feet further down the street. Their BBQ ribs are awesome; and, last time I checked, the place is not posted "no guns." So, you can go there, enjoy a meal, and pack heat while doing it :banana: !
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Regular Member
Jul 29, 2011
Elizabethton, TN
I drove by the Applebee's today, and saw that the sign was still there (it also had the Spanish version of "NOTICE: NO GUNS, KNIVES, OR WEAPONS ALLOWED" just below it). However, I'm not surprised that you missed it. If you enter the right set of outer doors, you would have to turn 90 degrees to the left to see it (135 degrees if you are focused on the inner set of doors). If you enter the left set of outer doors, you would have to COMPLETELY TURN AROUND to see it. Come to think of it, the first time that I saw the sign occured when I was LEAVING the place.

BTW, if you like good BBQ and/or BBQ sandwiches, you should try the Firehouse Restaurant just a few hundred feet further down the street. Their BBQ ribs are awesome; and, last time I checked, the place is not posted "no guns." So, you can go there, enjoy a meal, and pack heat while doing it :banana: !

Oh I'm quite familiar with Firehouse, and no, they aren't posted as of my last visit (a couple months ago).

Please don't. At the moment their sign holds no legal weight. After you call it will.

You're right. I actually forgot to call them this morning. I guess I'll leave it be since it doesn't affect anyone unless you OC.


New member
Jan 18, 2012
Clarksville, TN
TN open carry

I couldn't help but notice that TN doesn't have an OC report thread, while the two closest states to me, NC and VA, have several-seemingly one for each region. And while I would like to make an East TN thread (because let's face it, East, Middle and West TN are very different from each other), I realize OC in TN isn't exactly popular, so I guess one thread will have to do for the state. After all, we do have preemption, so we all fall under the same laws-unless there's a town that got grandfathered in that I don't know about. What better place to learn?

So anyway, I just recently started "OCing." I put that in quotes because I've really OCed only about once. I got my renention holster (Serpa CQC) about a month ago, but most of the time my jacket has caused me to be concealed when I would otherwise be open. It was just mild enough today for me to do my first Wal-Mart walk. I don't have a voice recorder so I had my cell phone taking a video in my pocket the whole time. It was a pretty busy day-about like any Saturday afternoon-so I think it was good way to break the ice. I went into get some cokes for the new years party (alcohol is already in good supply), but not before I went through the automotive section and checked out this prestone window deicer spray one of my coworkers was talking about last night.

Anyway I'm pretty sure I got a few looks, and maybe a few whispers to each other, but nobody said anything to me. When I got in line I had a young couple get behind me. I couldn't tell if they noticed, but they were talking to each other. Could have been anything. The recording on my phone said I was in there for 15 minutes, but it felt more like 5.

After that I stopped by Taco Bell to pick up lunch-once again, uneventful. Some probably noticed as I had a few people behind me in tables, but I didn't notice any looks.

So come on Tennesseeans, let's get this ball rolling. Share your stories-good and bad.

I noticed that TN has to issue an open carry/ concealed carry permit before you are legally allowed to carry a weapon. I thought that we were constitutionally allowed to bear arms. How can we be allowed constitutionally to bear arms and be thrown in jail if we do so?


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
I noticed that TN has to issue an open carry/ concealed carry permit before you are legally allowed to carry a weapon. I thought that we were constitutionally allowed to bear arms. How can we be allowed constitutionally to bear arms and be thrown in jail if we do so?

Welcome to OCDO.

To answer your question most directly: Because that is the law in your state.

Note excerpt from our rules: " Even if you feel that a law is unconstitutional we do not break it, we repeal it or defeat it in the courts."

Oh Shoot

Regular Member
Aug 9, 2010
I noticed that TN has to issue an open carry/ concealed carry permit before you are legally allowed to carry a weapon. I thought that we were constitutionally allowed to bear arms. How can we be allowed constitutionally to bear arms and be thrown in jail if we do so?

Only four states allow both open and concealed carry without a permit, and even those states have some infringements as to location.

And of course the federal government infringes your carry rights in all states.

Just the facts.

- OS