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Toledo's open walk

Ron in Toledo

New member
Oct 24, 2011
September 22,'13 - Our open carry walk through down town Toledo today was covered by local TV stations, our friendly WSPD Radio 1370 AM, and The Toledo Blade news paper. It was windy and quite cool for this old man, and I was the eldest in attendance. I am proud of the turn out and I met some of the nicest people there. Families with children showed up dispite the wind and cool temperature. The media interviews aside, I made some friends and had enjoyable conversations. Smiles were on everybodys faces and the fellowship shared was something I'll long remember. It was refreshing to be among so many who share common goals, and ideas. Perhaps some day we should consider having a picnic in one of Toledos many beautiful public parks where we could spend more time together and get to know each other on more personal levels. Terrific people make for a good time, and I hope we'll meet again in the not so distant future; perhaps in the (((((( SUMMER ))))) !


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2013
Findlay, Ohio, United States
Since it's your first post, I'll first say "Welcome!". Then I'll say, you are right, it was a great walk. Met lots of nice people who share a common belief. Picnic in the summer sounds fun. Hope to see you at the next one, when and where ever that is.