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Travelling to NOLA


Regular Member
Jan 22, 2010
Middle of the map, Alabama
Hi guys,

I'm thinking about traveling to NOLA for New Years. I'm traveling with a few friends, some are anti gun, heck, some aren't even citizens! (H1Bs... real H1Bs, actual experts!) Anyway, I'm from Alabama, have a pistol license and a small pistol. What does the territory look like down in NOLA as far as "No Carry Zones"?

I can appreciate a good beer, but if there are no gun signs everywhere, I may as well leave the gun at home. I've heard some legendary stories about crime in the Big Easy...


Regular Member
Jul 20, 2008
Saint Gabriel, Louisiana, USA
For conceal carry, while in La, your Alabama permit will allow you to Conceal carry but you must follow La laws as they apply to CHPs while here. That means, no carry in bars. That may limit you right off the start. The carry in resturants which serve alcohol is a grey area and is basically agrued that if it's out of sight it's out of mind. State law forbids Open Carry in any place which sells alcohol for on site consumption. That means most resturants and all bars. Also, if I understand the law, your out of state permit will not apply to the Fed/State GFSZ rules. What I'm saying is that, from my understanding, if you get within 1000' of a school, your Alabama permit may not ve valid. <-I could be wrong on this.
Enjoy your visit but keep your wits. The crime problem in NO is real but you should be fine if you use common sense.


Regular Member
Aug 29, 2010
And the local PD will likely not appreciate you being armed. Just recently I listened to an interview where they were calling for more laws to search people and disallow an armed populace, to protect the children of course.