The incompetent failures - many - of the security services is glaring. The counter sniper team apparently had eyes on for about ten shots. Unoccupied rooftops?
Hopefully after the tragedy yesterday in Butler PA we can all recognize that unaccountable bloated bureaucracies continue to fail us as Americans. Donald J. Trump is alive today solely due to a bad…
Our world almost became a very different place. My commitment to be always armed with wits and guns and the truth is reinforced. The last of the ‘oxygen’ was sucked from the corpse of the US MSM, and Sky News of Oz stepped into the breach, saying what our sickos could not and would not.
ETA later: Our pResident has added a ‘box’ to Steven Decatur Miller’s Boxes of Liberty (September 1830, Stateburg, South Carolina), originally the Ballot Box, the Jury Box and the Cartridge Box; later the Soap Box was added. Now also the “Battle Box.”