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Two (2) OC Get-Togethers scheduled for April 2014...


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
Two (2) OC Get-Togethers scheduled for April 2014:

1. Colorado Springs:
4-13-14 (Sunday) 2:30pm
IHOP @ Stetson Hills & Powers Blvd.
5749 Stetson Hills Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80917
(719) 597-0123

2. Parker:
4-20-14 (Sunday) 2:30pm
Village Inn/Hwy 83
19502 E Parker Square Dr.
Parker, CO 80134
(303) 841-2287

Let me know (here or via PM) if it'd be better to make it Saturday afternoon instead -- to avoid any conflict with Easter (Sundays) -- but I was thinking that the mid-afternoon on these 2 Sundays would still be workable.

As always, CCers and people (newbies) considering OC (or CC) are welcomed to attend, as we can probably answer your questions/address any concerns about carrying. After all, one MAJOR reason for OCing is education -- among ourselves and the general public. :)
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
As mentioned in earlier posts, we are rotating these OC events amongst COS, Monument, Parker and Castle Rock...and eventually will have events in Littleton and Lakewood.

Sooner or later an event will be happening locally to most readers here AND hopefully on a date/time they can attend. If not, they catch it next time it comes around...or the time after that.

*I* will be attending ALL the events I post. After all, "I am Mr. Roarke, your host: Welcome to Fantasy Island!" So I -- and Tattoo -- HAVE to be there!

Oops...that's another show...;-)


P.S. Everyone please note: Even if no one RSVPs here in this Forum (or on the other 2 online Colorado Forums where these OC Get-Together notices are ALSO posted) -- we don't ask that people DO RSVP -- it doesn't mean no one is going to attend! The event will be held anyway and we never know how many (or how few) will show up (one reason RSVP-ing is useless as it can't be relied upon). But all that doesn't matter since we HOPE all who CAN attend, do so. And so far, your host -- Yours Truly -- hasn't been sitting there alone. ALMOST alone on occasion, but not alone. YET, anyway. ;-)

So regardless of any "response" (or lack of it) you may see here, the event WILL be held as scheduled anyway.

Make it if you can...
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
If you can't make Parker, NEXT month (May 2014) we will be meeting @ Denny's in Golden (look for the announcement in this and the other 2 online Forums as I post these events on all 3 sites), which will be lots closer to you. But the one in Parker will be easier for jskp229 to attend as it's closer to him.


We haven't presently decided the where/when for the June OC event, but we ARE having a June event (maybe 2) and the info will be posted in early May...
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