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U.S. Conference of Mayors calls for Stricter Gun Laws


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
When drivers are speeding down the street in violation of the posted 35MPH limit, the best corrective action is, of course, to lower the speed limit to 15MPH. That'll teach them!!

How come there is not a Mayors Against Illegal $implement clamoring for the confiscation and destruction of all the other things that are used to kill people? How come there is not a Mayors Against Illegal $implement clamoring for the passage of laws making the killing of people with $implement even more illegal?

stay safe.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2008
Montgomery, Alabama, USA
Any call for banning firearms of any description is based on emotional appeal. After all, emotional appeal, not facts, is what garners votes and, folks, votes and money is what it is all about, plus, of course, power.

When the politicians get the votes and the money, then they get the power. For the majority of people, facts are "boring", but emotional appeals hit home. When you get X number of people foully murdered by someone using a firearm, you have a basis for a major emotional appeal. Never mind that X to the umpteenth power were killed the same day by automobiles. You'll never hear an emotional appeal to ban those "assault" automobiles, will you?

Then there is the other factor that comes into play about calls for banning firearms; you cannot have absolute power over an armed populace. Therefore, even with all the votes and money, there is a limit on the politicians' power and they do not like that. Only when you have a disarmed population can you exercise almost absolute power.

Please note that I did not differentiate between political parties. Any one of them, given the right circumstances, would seek that absolute power.

Please tell me that I am completely out of the ballpark on this one. And then show me how I am wrong.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
<snip> Never mind that X to the umpteenth power were killed the same day by automobiles. You'll never hear an emotional appeal to ban those "assault" automobiles, will you? <snip>
On this you missed the boat.....

The vast majority of deaths where a motor vehicle is the primary device that causes the death of a citizen, malice is absent.....negligence abounds. Where guns are concerned I can confidently state that the opposite is true.

I'm fairly confident that when a drunk gets into his ride he has zero malice in his heart/mind prior to and at the moment of impact that kills a family of 8 in their minivan.

So, car "accidents" are not comparable to nut jobs with guns other than good folks get dead either way.

....false premise.

Argumentum ad Misericordiam.....


Regular Member
Apr 13, 2011
Louisa, Kentucky
Guys, I think they actually have some merit about this. Anything from the [strike]city of bloody love[/strike] brotherly love (damn autocorrect), should be taken seriously.

I mean, Philadelphia only had 324 homicides last year. Down from their bloodiest (shown) year by 19%, it does not matter that their homicide rate is rising (for two years). This is way less that the amount of people getting killed by automobiles. Apparently their guns laws are working.


Regular Member
May 7, 2009
Southsider der hey
I am sure Milwaukee Mayor Barrett is up front crying how bad guns are and how easy it is for criminals to get guns. I am also sure "they" only want cops to have guns because if cops only can have guns they wont need guns. I mean that works so well in Europe.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust


Regular Member
Jun 4, 2008
Here we go again. One lone crazy guy kills some innocent people and libertards go nuts and scream to get rid of the guns. Because that worked so well with drugs and alcohol...


Some 30,000 incorperated towns and cites, or more than 19,000 municipalites.

Do these 1, 295 over 30,000 hold the majority of the more than 300 million people , are they saying their cities are the country's heart beat?


Regular Member
Nov 1, 2010
Leesburg, GA
So, car "accidents" are not comparable to nut jobs with guns other than good folks get dead either way.

There are no accidents with automobiles.

It is negligence or mechanical malfunction. Someone was doing something they were not supposed to, or did follow traffic law (negligence). Tires blowing out, etc is mechanical failure.

There are no accidents.


Regular Member
Oct 29, 2008
Montgomery, Alabama, USA
@OC for me: You would be surprised at how many automobile "accidents" weren't accidents, but were either murder or suicide. It used to be much easier to commit murder with an automobile than it is now. All you had to do was cut the front brake lines, but not all the way through. Voila!! First time the driver tries a panic stop, the brake lines would rupture and he had no brakes.

With the more modern brake systems, that won't work, but I am sure there are other ways.

There used to be a thing called a "rag joint" in the steering column. It had four bolts in it. If you took out the four bolts, all that connected one part of the column to the other was the "rag" part. Any quick movement of the steering column would tear that loose. No steering control.

Won't work on modern cars, but again, I am just as sure there are other ways.


Regular Member
Sep 10, 2011
@OC for me: You would be surprised at how many automobile "accidents" weren't accidents, but were either murder or suicide. It used to be much easier to commit murder with an automobile than it is now. All you had to do was cut the front brake lines, but not all the way through. Voila!! First time the driver tries a panic stop, the brake lines would rupture and he had no brakes.

With the more modern brake systems, that won't work, but I am sure there are other ways.

There used to be a thing called a "rag joint" in the steering column. It had four bolts in it. If you took out the four bolts, all that connected one part of the column to the other was the "rag" part. Any quick movement of the steering column would tear that loose. No steering control.

Won't work on modern cars, but again, I am just as sure there are other ways.

You are an old fart!! :lol: :shocker:

Don't disagree with your first post either! :D

OBTW....this conference of mayors is window dressing. I spoke with our mayor a few years ago and he stated its politics only. It sounds good, and it sometimes good to get together and swap ideas, but mainly, it reminded him of the UN, not worth a lick but sounds good. I asked him to withdraw from it....he didn't like that idea.. :banghead:
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Regular Member
Oct 29, 2008
Montgomery, Alabama, USA
You are an old fart!! :lol: :shocker:

Don't disagree with your first post either! :D

OBTW....this conference of mayors is window dressing. I spoke with our mayor a few years ago and he stated its politics only. It sounds good, and it sometimes good to get together and swap ideas, but mainly, it reminded him of the UN, not worth a lick but sounds good. I asked him to withdraw from it....he didn't like that idea.. :banghead:

I am not an old fart. I am a sexy senior citizen!!:lol:

Most things politicians do are window dressing. Like I said above, most of these publicity things are emotional appeals aimed at garnering votes and/or funding. Very little, if any, actual substance.

Suggest that the next time your mayor comes up for re-election, you help campaign against him. It may be an exercise in futility, but it also may put a better candidate in office and serve notice to others that we are tired of the "feel good" rhetoric.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Sikhs are NOT Muslims, not even close, just saying...

I thought they were .... well, the more you know, the less you blow! so thanks!

And I was disappointed; I thought that THIS year's conference they would change their viewpoint of every other conference that they had on gun confiscation.

Keep the faith brother! (hey, I changed my avatar...cool huh?..he looks like me when I talk to my public officials, calm, cool, and collected lol beer tax went up HOW MUCH !!!)
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Regular Member
Sep 10, 2011
I am not an old fart. I am a sexy senior citizen!!:lol:

Most things politicians do are window dressing. Like I said above, most of these publicity things are emotional appeals aimed at garnering votes and/or funding. Very little, if any, actual substance.

Suggest that the next time your mayor comes up for re-election, you help campaign against him. It may be an exercise in futility, but it also may put a better candidate in office and serve notice to others that we are tired of the "feel good" rhetoric.

Unfortunately, I'm out of the city limits, but still provide my $.02, which falls on deaf ears. The problem about the other candidate, he was the greater of the two evils. So, I didn't provide any financial support for either. :rolleyes: