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Update On HB 402‏


Regular Member
Mar 4, 2010
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
Regarding morons, Rep Easley is the same person who introduced HB578 which would ban carrying open or concealed for anyone except the governor and security.

Rouge Aussie, regarding emails and deleting them without reading or responding not to mention accountability is why I take issue and do not understand why they as public servants are not required to use the nmlegis.gov email address... By using their own personal address it prevents any inspection of public records on the type and amount of emails they would have received regarding an issue such as this. The left made such an issue with Gov Martinez and her use of private email accounts; what's good for the goose is good for the gander....



Regular Member
Oct 6, 2008
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Donovan- good point about the personal emails. Most of them do use the nm.leg addresses, but some also don't. I agree that it's inappropriate not to.

As far as HB 578, believe me I was pretty ticked off about that. The guy is a real piece of work. I sent my second email to him today reminding him that I will be actively working to remove him from office when the time comes, and I will do what I can to that end.

But so far there has been no action on 578, yet. Hopefully there won't be. It's not as if they don't have better uses for their time...


Regular Member
May 16, 2011
the majority of the opponents against the bill were still there - I couldn't tell which if any were missing but I saw more Sheriffs at 3pm than when we started after 6pm. It was confusing because it was military/veteran day at the capitol so some of the law enforcement present when I got there at noon may have been there for the veterans gathering.

The proponent side lost 2 of their biggest spokespersons and somebody said it was the MoveOn.org(?) representative and one of the clergy that spoke last time for HB_77. They had traveled some distance to speak and had to hit the road for various reasons. We filled a committee room to capacity. There was less than a dozen in favor of 402 and the remainder of the room against it.

Of concern to me was a comment from somebody in line (against HB402) that told me they showed up earlier in the week for another bill that had a massive turnout against some other agenda (non-gun related). Their bill was scheduled 3rd that day and the House moved them to the end of the agenda in order to thin out the crowd.. sound familiar? Apparently that hearing didn't end until 10:45 that night and many against the bill had already left by 6pm. I spoke with an employee that works there (she asked that her name not be used) but she said this is a common tactic with "large crowd" bills.


Regular Member
Oct 6, 2008
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I suspected that tactic might be put into play, and I think it's absolute BS. Completely dishonest and they can't even pretend to be transparent about it- shameful that they do it as a matter of fact.

I appreciate the info, and your time and effort. You're doing a lot of good.