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USA Today quotes OpenCarry.org's Mike Stollenwerk on Starbucks non-policy

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
It could be cops who helped push for this non policy too. Notice their exemption? We had the cops try to bad mouth us to the Starbucks we had our meets at, luckily for us the employees there loved us and told us what the cops had done.


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2010
Renton, Wa
To me this whole issue is a question of integrity - on my part individually and on the part of the 2A movement as a whole. They said directly that they do not want us carrying in their establishments; the fact that they will still serve us as normal and not kick us out for carrying is beside the point. Since I rarely go out in public unarmed and because of my integrity, it is in my/our best interest to honor their request and not patronize their establishments. I am not boycotting them, I am simply honoring their request. The consequence of honoring their request is no money from me.

Besides, I found a couple of coffee shops that have waaaaay better Java anyway.


Regular Member
Jul 9, 2008
Butte, Montana, USA
SB has every right to ask customers not to carry, despite the legality of OC.

I have every right to never step foot in there again and that is exactly how I will proceed.

Nothing else matters.


Regular Member
Nov 1, 2013
wilmington nc
i was in starbucks yesterday carrying and didn't have an issue. after reading this i will no longer be going there. a business has the right to say not to carry but they also take a risk at losing business. the owner of the shop i work at dosent allow employees to carry.. oc or cc. he says it will deter customers. but customers who walk in carrying aren't asked to leave


Regular Member
Nov 9, 2013
Baton Rouge, LA
I will wait patiently to hear the comment of the CEO when a Starbucks is robbed and employees and patrons shot when there are no police anywhere to be found and who show up 30 minutes after the fact wielding their firearms with authority when there is no criminal to be found.

The bottom line is simply this. One does not need fear the patron with a gun strapped on for all to see, but one does need to fear the criminal with no regard for human life who walks in with gun in pocket that no one can see.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
When I carried in SB, before they became officially and publicly anti-carry, I never carried to stop SB from being robbed. I carried to stop ME from being robbed or worse.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk.
