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If you live in this district get out and vote tonight! Delegate Nixon was a strong supporter of our gun rights, and was always willing to take extra time to talk with me about particular bills on Lobby Day. We need to replace him with someone who is just as strong a supporter. I'll be supporting Jason King, and I hope you will consider him as well.There will be a Republican Party Canvass TONIGHT (May 10, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm) to select the Republican nominee for the Special Election to be held in June to replace Delegate Nixon (House District 27).
VCDL sent all four candidates a survey. Although all four indicate support for the Second Amendment on their websites, only two have returned a completed survey:
Jason King support@friendsofjasonking.com friendsofjasonking.com
Sherman Litton info@shermanlitton.com shermanlitton.com
Both Jason King and Sherman Litton answered the VCDL Candidate Survey 100% in support of your gun rights.
The other two candidates have not returned a survey:
Roxann Robinson info@roxannrobinson.com roxannrobinson.com
Brian Sullivan brian@sullivanfordelegate.com sullivanfordelegate.com
If you live in House District 27, please take a moment to thank the two candidates (King & Litton) for returning their surveys and for their open support of your right to keep and bear arms!
Not sure what District you're in? You can find out at: http://tinyurl.com/bksx4 (Only your address info is required on this form.)