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VA's NewsLeader.com cites OpenCarry.org as reference


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
imported post

"Gun owners take aim at police action; City officials defend reaction," The NewsLeader.com, by David Royer, 27 October 2006 at http://www.newsleader.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061027/NEWS01/610270335/1002.


". . . Mike Stollenwerk of Fairfax County kept his gun strapped to his belt as he addressed City Council on Thursday night. . .

On The Web


NOTE: Not mentioned in this article is that OpenCarry.org's John Pierce & Mike Stollenwerk both addressed the Staubnton, VA City Council to urge and end to unlawful stop & ID checks of gun owners merely abeying the law. Mr. Pierce highlighted the Chief's Council column in the December 2005 Police Chief's magazine at
http://policechiefmagazine.org/magazine/index.cfm?fuseaction=display&article_id=757&issue_id=122005 (warning police departments that, as a legal matter, a mere report of a citizen with a gun is not grounds for a Terry stop of that person.