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WalMart Firearm policy?

Jack House

Regular Member
Jun 12, 2010
I80, USA
I actually work for Wal-Mart in the Sporting Goods Dept. We were told the N.I.C.S. Information line we call for background checks (because not all of us have a CC Permit.) This is not true. N.I.C.S. is available 24/7. This is a Home Office decision. It is programmed into the computer system and will not permit a firearm sale after 9:59pm. Ammunition sales after 10pm are a store managers call. Just as it is the store managers call to require all HANDGUN ammunition to be rang AT THE SPORTING GOODS COUNTER. (Such as in our store).
While an associate is on the clock we are not permitted to carry. (it is against policy for me to even have in my vehicle.)
NICS ain't open 24 hours.

NICS is customarily available 17 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays (except for Christmas).

As for Wal-Mart not selling ammunition after 10pm, I could have sworn I'd addressed that already. But oh well. I used to work at Wal-Mart as an overnight cashier. If someone is telling you that Wal-Mart corporate policy prohibits ammo sells after midnight, they're flatout lying to you. Though it's possible they aren't aware they're lying to you. I sold ammo all the damn time when I worked there. My hours were always 10-7.

If you go to Wal-Mart after a certain hour and they tell you they can't/wont sell ammo to you because it's after hours and it's not a STATE, COUNTY or LOCAL law/ordinance, politely ask to speak with a CO-manager. The store manager most likely wont be there. If they still block you. Then leave, and if you're still interested in buying ammunition at the store after say midnight, then speak with the store manager. Failing that, then speak with the district manager. You're pretty likely to get the policy overturned by the DM unless the DM is an anti. The reasons for refusing to sell ammo after 10pm is just as likely to have to do with productivity than them just having some stupid anti-gun policy.


Regular Member
Mar 25, 2012
Suffolk Virginia
NICS ain't open 24 hours.


As for Wal-Mart not selling ammunition after 10pm, I could have sworn I'd addressed that already. But oh well. I used to work at Wal-Mart as an overnight cashier. If someone is telling you that Wal-Mart corporate policy prohibits ammo sells after midnight, they're flatout lying to you. Though it's possible they aren't aware they're lying to you. I sold ammo all the damn time when I worked there. My hours were always 10-7.

If you go to Wal-Mart after a certain hour and they tell you they can't/wont sell ammo to you because it's after hours and it's not a STATE, COUNTY or LOCAL law/ordinance, politely ask to speak with a CO-manager. The store manager most likely wont be there. If they still block you. Then leave, and if you're still interested in buying ammunition at the store after say midnight, then speak with the store manager. Failing that, then speak with the district manager. You're pretty likely to get the policy overturned by the DM unless the DM is an anti. The reasons for refusing to sell ammo after 10pm is just as likely to have to do with productivity than them just having some stupid anti-gun policy.

Sorry bud. Didn't mean to seem like I was ignoring your post. I just saw you said used to, and with no set time of how long it was you did work there, I asked for the updated info. I worked at the Suffolk one, but its been years lol.

Sent from my XT912 using Tapatalk 2


New member
Nov 27, 2012
rockmart georgia
concealed weapon in walmart

this past week I entered the walmart store in Rockmart Ga. while standing with my grandson, my son in law and a friend talking, An off duty Police officer hired by walmart stepped up in the middle of our conversation and ask If I was carring a weapon. I told him no. he ask again are you sure,???? I told him no I was not carrying a weapon but if I were, I had a carry permit . and I asked him why did he ask, he informed me that one of the managers sent him to check me, that ticked me off. if that your policy? to just randomly check a customer if he feels like it.???? I do have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, and I dont think it is anyones business just to come up and ask violating someones freedom and privacy as your own policy only ask that the weapons not be visible, you need to inform your people of that and not check your customers who are only carrying cell phones on their belt.
I was searching the web for information on WalMarts Firearm policy and came across this letter from WalMart stating their Firearm Policy for Concealed Carry as well as Open Carry.

"DATE: Friday, April 16,1999 2:13 PM

Subject: RE: Firearms

Thank you for contacting Wal-Mart regarding our concealed handgun policy. Wal-Mart was founded by Sam Walton on three basic principles. Strive for Excellence, Service to our Customers, and Respect for the Individual. It is that respect for the individual that led us to create the current policy pertaining to concealed handguns.

The following is our policy......If a Wal-Mart customer has been awarded a concealed handgun license by the state government, Wal-Mart will follow the direction of the state. However, if at anytime while on Wal-Mart property, that customer's concealed weapon becomes visible to Wal-Mart associates or customers, Wal-Mart reserves the right to ask the customer to either reposition the weapon so that it will not be visible, to remove the weapon completely or to leave Wal-Mart property, With the exception of law enforcement personnel, Wal-Mart does not allow any exposed weapons to be worn or carried in public view on Wal-Mart property or in Wal-Mart stores. Customers other than law enforcement personnel wearing or carrying a weapon in an exposed manner will be asked to leave the property immediately.

We appreciate your concern and trust that this message has addressed your concerns regarding this issue.

Thank you,

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc."

As you can see the date of the replay is 1999 so I'm unsure if they still follow this policy or if it has been changed to meet the times. I searched more and have been unable to find anything saying it was changed. I will call WalMart and get a Up to date letter with contact information from Corp. So when we do this OC at WalMart we can show them the letter stating walmarts policy and who we spoke to.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
this past week I entered the walmart store in Rockmart Ga. while standing with my grandson, my son in law and a friend talking, An off duty Police officer hired by walmart stepped up in the middle of our conversation and ask If I was carring a weapon. I told him no. he ask again are you sure,???? I told him no I was not carrying a weapon but if I were, I had a carry permit . and I asked him why did he ask, he informed me that one of the managers sent him to check me, that ticked me off. if that your policy? to just randomly check a customer if he feels like it.???? I do have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, and I dont think it is anyones business just to come up and ask violating someones freedom and privacy as your own policy only ask that the weapons not be visible, you need to inform your people of that and not check your customers who are only carrying cell phones on their belt.

Please contact the store manager and inform him of this. If you do not like his response, contact the district manager. The DM will set the store straight with current corporate policy.

Please do not allow this opportunity to correct the store staff (and hopefully their hired JBT) to pass.

And please carry a gun! Half of our problem is gun-owning Americans that CAN carry and don't. This emboldens both criminals (for obvious reasons) as well as cops, who like to think it is their elite privilege. The more we carry (especially OC), the more we normalize it.

Last edited:

Jack House

Regular Member
Jun 12, 2010
I80, USA
That is most certainly NOT Walmart policy and while managers are largely free to make up their own policies, this type of behavior will most definitely get them chewed out by corporate.

If you contract the store manager and don't get an adequate response, ask for the name and number of the market manager.

Be sure to ask for the MARKET manager. That is the store manager's boss and will tell them you are familiar with corporate structure and that you're willing to call them.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Wal-Mart follows state law

I was asked to leave Wal-Mart in Maine yesterday. I will be calling corporate today for clarification on their policy.

Wal-Mart and other corporate policies regarding carry policies in their stores are listed in the link following.
Also includes contact information.

A manager at the Sheila Rd. store in Richmond, Virginia was replaced (fired?) as a result of his asking me to leave that location for OCing last year, so I personally know their policy is at least gun neutral = follow state laws.


Michigan Moderator
Jun 20, 2008
Hudsonville , Michigan, USA
Wal-Mart and other corporate policies regarding carry policies in their stores are listed in the link following.
Also includes contact information.

A manager at the Sheila Rd. store in Richmond, Virginia was replaced (fired?) as a result of his asking me to leave that location for OCing last year, so I personally know their policy is at least gun neutral = follow state laws.

A few years ago I was told by a manager of my local Walmart that I could not carry a gun in the store. Despite my emails stating that my understanding was that Walmart followed state law being sent up the chain of command, eventually ending at the corporate headquarters, the manager's decision to ban my firearm was supported by everyone that I contacted. They claimed that I was "scaring" other shoppers and the manager can require that a person not possess a firearm while shopping. I had to wait until this manager moved on before I OCd again at Walmart.

So, despite members of OCDO firm belief that the manager will be over-ruled by his/her superiors, that is not always the case. Remember too that Walmart is a "partner" of MAIG.
