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Washington Post prints OpenCarry.org's Mike Stollenwerk's letter re Biden work group


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA

Letter to the Editor
Find legal avenues for gun policies
Published: January 8, 2013

Several of the policy initiatives being considered by Vice President Biden’s working group [“Broad strategy on guns weighed,” front page, Jan. 6] appear to be plainly unconstitutional (e.g., to “stiffen penalties for carrying guns near schools” and to ban “ammunition magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds”). In 1995 the Supreme Court held in U.S. v. Lopez that the federal government did not have the power to ban people from carrying a gun near a school, and in 2008 the Supreme Court held in District of Columbia v. Heller that the federal government did not have the power to ban possession of a handgun that held 12 rounds. Biden’s working group should focus on options that are within the power of the federal government.

Mike Stollenwerk, Alexandria
The writer is co-founder of OpenCarry.org
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Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA
It's almost unheard of to get a pro-gun and pro-Constitution letter published in the Washington ComPost. I know, I've tried it a number of times. The Washington Times and the Arlington County Journal have both published my letters a number of times, but not the ComPost.

Perhaps you were their token of the month (year?) with your letter. Incidentally, well done.