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West Virginia Gets Castle Doctrine


Founder's Club Member
Nov 15, 2006
Fairfax Co., VA
imported post

Story here: http://tinyurl.com/6636pz

Excerpted fromThe Register-Herald:

CHARLESTON — Lifetime National Rifle Association member Joe Manchin ceremoniously signed West Virginia’s version of the Castle Doctrine with a blunt warning Thursday to would-be home invaders.

“Don’t mess with us,” the governor cautioned while signing the bill...

“It’s part of our culture,” he said. “We’re just codifying in law what is the culture of West Virginia, that a person has a right to defend family and property, even with deadly force. That’s part of culture, without being sued and dragged off to prison. We did quite well on this.”

Manchin agreed, saying, “I think we’ve always felt that. We just now made it legal.”


Regular Member
Jul 25, 2006
Springfield by way of Chicago, Virginia, USA
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Agent6-3/8 wrote:
Its better than nothing, but its still too"watered down"for my liking. I would like to see WV pass a FL or TX style castle doctrine.


What do you mean by "watered down" for your liking? Please explain (site examples). Thanks in advance!

2nd Amendment..........Use it..........Or, lose it!!:X


Regular Member
Nov 10, 2006
, West Virginia, USA
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All this 'castle doctrine' did was explicitly put in writing what was already common law. The biggest issue, IMOis lack of protection from civil suits like is seen inmanystates with castle doctrines. Better than nothing, but its not what I and I know many other West Virginians would have liked to have seen. There's always next year though, and I know the WVCDL is going to beworking hard to improve it.