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Who needs a gun in Australia?


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2008
Richmond, Virginia, USA
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Couple held captive by gun-toting robbers

A man and woman were tied up for two hours while burglars ransacked their home in Melbourne's south-east early this morning, police say.

One of the men was armed with a gun and the other with a bar during the terrifying home invasion in Clayton South just after 5am.

Excerpt ... For more info see the link above


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
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Wonder why violent crime is on the increase there? :banghead:

Yata hey


Regular Member
Feb 14, 2010
Saint Francisville, Louisiana, United States
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KansasKraut wrote:
saveyourself wrote:
I didn't know Steve Irwin was into freedom and all that! Good on him :cool:
<<In Aussie accent>> "Crikey! Look at the size of that armed intruder!"
I'm gonna get 'im with my shotgun, mate.
What a liddle byooty!

(My best attempt at his accent)

(Posters note: I in no way endorse the shooting or maiming of anybody but BG's with guns that are threatening me and mine.)

Old Grump

Regular Member
Jan 22, 2010
Blue River, Wisconsin, USA
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Who needs a gun?

Every man woman and child not mentally defective or a criminal and has the strength, coordination and the ability to use a firearm wisely.

That goes for every nation on earth. A lot of people walking around with stumps instead of hands would not be handicapped today if they could have protected themselves. A lot of women would not have had to endure rape if they or their family would have had the means to defend them. 6,000,000 Jews and Gypsies wouldn't have been killed if they would have had the means to defend themselves.

Dammit, I told myself no ranting today, sorry bout that.

Grumpy old dinosaur

Old Grump

Regular Member
Jan 22, 2010
Blue River, Wisconsin, USA
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Long read but it will be interesting if you really want to know the answer. They can have them but they have more restrictions than we do and they have to jump thorough more legal hoops than we do. The good thing is they have a nice little groundswell of support growing and a government now in power not as hostile to guns as previous administrations.

You should do the same research on English gun rights, they aren't forbidden just severely restricted. A lot of good people over there who are fed up with the situaion and instead of crying about it are trying to change things. It won't be fast or easy but I personally hope they can use the shooting games in the English Olympics as a good platform to base their arguments on that gun owners and shooters aren't evil outlaws are. Their rising crime rate in spite of disarming most of the public should reinforce their argument that citizens who have always had a right to defend themselves should be allowed the means to defend themselves with.

I watch Canada, England and Australia because their fight is our fight too.

Funny how almost all of my friends from there are shooters with only a couple of exceptions. I have to admit I may be biased on the subject as are my friends.

Click in here and see if the people on the other side of the big blue pond are any different than the people over here. Hard to slam a group if you meet and converse with them. Better yet join the site and get in on the fun, you might learn a bit and that is always fun.



Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
imported post

Haz. wrote:
Gun Control Australia in its publications and website makes assertions such as:

Failure of Duty by the Gun Lobby

The Gun Lobby, the NRA and the SSAA have consistently failed to come up with an effective policy for keeping firearms away from criminals. In advocating a "Right to Bear Arms", resulting in decreased controls on firearms, the NRA has negligently failed to provide a mechanism for controlling the access to guns by criminals
The very premise is flawed.

Guns are not the problem, criminals are. Ask how you can keep criminals away from weapons - any weapons. Well, gee whiz, you don't because they don't obey the laws.

From there it is just a short hop and a skip to "how do we keep criminals away from us?"

Answer: By having the means to defend ourselves

Now then the anti-freedom people are boxed into a corner and will start spouting about how they feel and what needs to be done based on their spun up "facts."

Anti-freedom groups are self-perpetuating with regard to gun control. They get laws passed and crime goes up - more laws passed and crime further escalates etc, etc.

A reasonable person with a two digit IQ can figure out that we were better before the controls than after. But that ignores the evidence/facts.

Yata hey


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
imported post

Appreciate the updates Haz - these things seldom are covered by the press here.

They are good examples to be found of what happens in a defenseless society.

Notable was the reference to an off-duty policeman being badly beaten.

Yata hey


Regular Member
Jan 18, 2010
, ,
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This is so sad. How does it feel to be valued less than a slave in the deep south before the Civil War?

A slave owner would at least protect his 'investment'.
Your masters won't let you protect yourselves, and can't do it for you.

In addition, slaves sometimes owned firearms. Guess 'massa' was less afraid of his slaves than your masters are of ordinary law-abiding citizens.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
imported post

Haz. - You are single handedly supplying the evidence that only the honest citizens are disarmed/punished via self-defense restrictions in these examples.

Yata hey


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
imported post

Haz. while i do not question your concern for the state of politics, freedoms/rights and the laws
in Australia - a great deal of it would seem to be beyond the scope of OCDO.

[font="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"]"NOTE: This is not a general discussion web site - even the thread for "general discussions"
must be fairly related to open carry,firearms and gun rights.

Please police your own posts before posting them and help keep OCDO strong and focussed.

If you think the post is questionable, please don't post it. Thanks!


Yata hey


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
imported post

Carry on sir, it is not my call in any event - was kind of thinking out loud.

I do appreciate you point and motivation. :)

Actually, I wish enough people would get the message and see to it that the laws were changed. Self-defense is an inalienable right.

Yata hey