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Who Will Stand Up For Gun Control?


State Researcher
Feb 20, 2007
Invisible Mode
Who will stand up for gun control?
By Rose Gordon Sala - Fri Jul 20, 2012 2:43 PM EDT.

Dan Gross, president at the Brady Campaign, said he doubted this incident would be enough to spark substantial reform.

“I don’t think there’s going to be any one moment that’s going to change the national dialogue. I think the national dialogue is going to change when the American people get involved and demand change,” he said during an appearance on MSNBC’s NOW with Alex Wagner Friday. “Otherwise it’s just going to be business as usual. The gun lobby is going to wield far too much power over our politicians.”


I am relieved after reading this article. I'm kind of surprised at the extent to which Brady is laying down and just accepting the reality thahing is going to change--even with a tailor-made assault rifle massacre in hand due to what happened this morning in Aurora CO. I thought for sure that Brady would be touting Aurora as the final justification for a new AWB.

I shouldn't have worried. The NRA (and GOA, and SAF, etc.) have pretty much whipped the Brady Campaign, I guess.



Regular Member
Apr 12, 2012
I am relieved after reading this article.... I thought for sure that Brady would be touting Aurora as the final justification for a new AWB.

I was getting the impression from this post you might be pro AWB....

And if that prayer doesn't work, then try another Higher Power:

Oh holy NRA,

Please save us from those who would use the legislative process to achieve ANY restrictions on ANYTHING we want to do with our firearms. Protect us from the ideas we don't like and absolve us from ALL responsibility for ANYTHING icky that happens with our firearms.


Regular Member
Jun 22, 2012
Fredericksburg, VA
Unfortunately I don't see this as the Brady bunch "giving up" this is the same tactic used by the Obama administration to make people scared of Romney raising more money for his campaign. The Brady bunch is simply trying to scare people into thinking that the pro-gun lobby is too powerful. It's the old "we're the underdog root for us trick"


State Researcher
Feb 20, 2007
Invisible Mode
Please note, there were no assault rifles used in the tragedy in Colorado early this morning.

Yeah, I generally agree. But that point is very very moot. It's almost not worth making.

They defined "assault weapon" they way they did in the 1994 bill. That's what counted.

I'm guessing, but it's likely that Holmes used an AR this morning that would have been banned by the AWB of 1994.


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2008
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Yeah, I generally agree. But that point is very very moot. It's almost not worth making.

They defined "assault weapon" they way they did in the 1994 bill. That's what counted.

wholeheartedly disagree - if we concede to them the ability to control the language and redefine items such as these to suit their own agenda, we've already lost the battle.

concede N O T H I N G to the bastards