R a Z o R
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The RELENTLESS LOGICof Mitt Romney is the type relentlessness the RKBA movement needs .
The RELENTLESS LOGICof Mitt Romney is the type relentlessness the RKBA movement needs .
Mitt Romney is a freedom hating bigot. Get it through your freedom hating bigoted head.The RELENTLESS LOGICof Mitt Romney is the type relentlessness the RKBA movement needs .
R a Z o R wrote:Mitt Romney is a freedom hating bigot. Get it through your freedom hating bigoted head.The RELENTLESS LOGICof Mitt Romney is the type relentlessness the RKBA movement needs .
1stfreedom wrote in small part:4 million is the total number of magazine subscriptions sold. Your statement, "...that is the number of voteing[sic] NRA gun owners" cannot be objectively substantiated, or indeed that they even own guns....4million of them,that is the number of voteing NRA gun owners.
NRA, moochers and looters.
Gray Peterson wrote:But them gays and hippies ain't real people!I have a low opinion of people who engage in pro-gun arguments based on not wanting to register their guns, not wanting to be on a "list", not wanting the government in general to destroy their privacy for whatever, and then supporting allow states to use police state tactics against groups that they don't like (gays, hippies, whoever). Such hypocrisy isn't unnoticed by the fence sitters on the left side of the equation.
When I used the term"Activist Judges" I was referring to judges that make an effort to legislate from the bench. I remember seeing an interview about gay marriage and the individual being interviewed said"We just need to get a judge to change the law." Where do people get the idea that a judge can change the law?? They get that idea because it has become common place in area's like the 9th circuit appellate court where judges tend to rule in favor of political influence rather than in favor of how the laws were written.
Occasionally? Yea, but none come to mind off the top of my head. In the case of anything homosexual community related, not at all.I find it hard to believe that you have never heard of a judges ruling that was so obviously politically motivated that it didn't cause you to stop and wonder.
and on those one or two occasions,did you know more than they did?1stfreedom wrote:Occasionally? Yea, but none come to mind off the top of my head. In the case of anything homosexual community related, not at all.I find it hard to believe that you have never heard of a judges ruling that was so obviously politically motivated that it didn't cause you to stop and wonder.
+1,000,000I have a low opinion of people who engage in pro-gun arguments based on not wanting to register their guns, not wanting to be on a "list", not wanting the government in general to destroy their privacy for whatever, and then supporting allow states to use police state tactics against groups that they don't like (gays, hippies, whoever). Such hypocrisy isn't unnoticed by the fence sitters on the left side of the equation.
Im a hick , and I mean a big lumbering ratty clothed dirty messy socially maladjusted old gun carryingHick that lives in alair and hates going intoany large urban setting..I have a low opinion of people who engage in pro-gun arguments based on not wanting to register their guns, not wanting to be on a "list", not wanting the government in general to destroy their privacy for whatever, and then supporting allow states to use police state tactics against groups that they don't like (gays, hippies, whoever). Such hypocrisy isn't unnoticed by the fence sitters on the left side of the equation.
AWDstylez wrote:and on those one or two occasions,did you know more than they did?1stfreedom wrote:Occasionally? Yea, but none come to mind off the top of my head. In the case of anything homosexual community related, not at all.I find it hard to believe that you have never heard of a judges ruling that was so obviously politically motivated that it didn't cause you to stop and wonder.
I believe Aran is correct. Some of us may have just thrown up a little in our mouths. Such ignorance is not the way to advance our cause.Maybe it'd be best if you took your bile elsewhere, after all.
1st its Homosexual, not gay, gay is a public relations word made up to make a small minority of very emotionally-mentally -spiritually ill persons sound happy & well adjusted in order to cast your intuitive reasoning of what is right and what is wrong into doubt, thus acceptance.
:?blah blah blah
And so what if they wanted to use a word that makes them sound happy and well-adjusted, dispelling preconceptions to the contrary? Most are happy and well-adjusted (except for the inevitable "my gay friends" of yours, all of whom conveniently secretly agree with your bigoted rants, in the process their existence making you the unquestionable arbiter of All Things Gay). Notice we like to discuss our "Natural Right" to "Keep and Bear Arms", rather than using negatively charged language like "gun nut".
1) The 1st Amendment "is what it is" pal , until what "you" think of my opinions should been deemed as hate think / hate talk... or carried further a disagreement is adjudicated into a felony ( Stalin style ) we will just have to put up with armed sassy mouthed babblers like me now wont we. after all I put up with your warped version of the 1Amendment with 3/4 naked mock humping tit ring pierced sadomasochist homosexuals marching in the street of every major city in prideMaybe it'd be best if you took your bile elsewhere, after all.