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Wisconsin based advanced live fire training?


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2010
Sun Prairie
Does anyone know if there's a good instructor or center in Wisconsin (or near WI) that teaches a live fire course dedicated to vehicle defense? Shooting from inside and around vehicles.

Thanks my Google Fu has failed and it basically gives zero indication of instructor competence.


Wisconsin Carry, Inc.
Aug 23, 2006
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Does anyone know if there's a good instructor or center in Wisconsin (or near WI) that teaches a live fire course dedicated to vehicle defense? Shooting from inside and around vehicles.

Thanks my Google Fu has failed and it basically gives zero indication of instructor competence.

Is there a particular reason for requesting such training? Forget shooting from inside a moving vehicle, and from inside a stationary vehicle is usually contraindicated if the vehicle is capable of moving: the vehicle is 1) a means of escape, and 2) the more powerful weapon. And 3) a death trap that restricts your movement inside. The best defense from a immobile vehicle is to exit opposite the threat and to fight outside the vehicle, using it as cover.

That said, the Madison PD training facility has a indoor range that allows a squad car to be driven onto it. I doubt they'll provide training, but if you asked nicely and had a good reason, maybe they'll allow you to observe.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Depending on the tactial situation shooting from your vehicle. Might be your best and only option.

There are situations where one could find that the vehicle is not capable of moving stuck in traffic at a stop light is just one. Being out side ones vehicle could place one in greater danger like Mr. Denny found during the LA riots. Being inside ones vehicle offers better protection from edge and impact weapons then being out side.

Shooting and hitting targets from inside a stationary or even a moving vehicle is very possible.

Leaving in your vehicle, using ones vehicle as a weapon, dismounting are all options and might be the best depending on the tactial situation.

If any one else is interisted training in and around vehicles. PM me and we will talk about setting up training that meets your needs.

NRA,DOJ certified pistol,rifle,police shotgun and patrol rifle instructor.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2010
Sun Prairie
I try to take a training class every year. It also seems like a good skill set to posses given the number of gas station muggings, road rage assaults, and mini riots we've seen in the US over the last decade. The Dayton gas station shooting comes immediately to mind where the shooter was actually forced back inside his own vehicle by two men assaulting him at the pump.

The best defense from a immobile vehicle is to exit opposite the threat and to fight outside the vehicle, using it as cover.

I have in that case possibly placed my small children between myself and the threat. Or opened myself to a close range blind side assault trying to negotiate the stick shift, transmission tunnel and center console. The ideal class would cover all possible scenarios not only shooting from inside but also using the vehicle in other beneficial ways as you've described.