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Work only allows CC


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2013
My work has a written policy stating that CC is allowed but not OC, even though OC is legal in my state. The funny thing is, the owner OC's sometimes, like maybe just taking it off his desk and throwing it IWB. There are a lot of employees who CC and even more who have them in their car. From time to time, employees will show off their pistol to coworkers, etc.

I have thought about OCing. Should I just OC one day and see what happens? I mean, the owner does it any time he wants so... Or do you think I should talk to the owner about changing the policy? Maybe I should just not worry about it and keep on CCing...


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Be glad your boss is not a hoplophobe. Rather than "spring it on him" by showing up one day, why not discuss it with him?

Does your work have lots/some public contact? That might be the reason he limits carry to CC. And yes, he's the boss and he can OC because he's the boss.

If you are stuck with CCing at work, be aware (you probably are already) that many tuckable CC rigs can convert to OC merely by putting your shirt tail where it belongs. Also, there are all sorts of vests that do not scream "Shoot me first/fly fisher who got lost in the parking lot/I'm from the internet" or imply that you have a chopper (2-wheel variety).

stay safe.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Jesus gave you free will Independence ... unfortunately he also gave your boss free will.

Do as you please but expecting not to get fired is not realistic.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Your employer allows you to carry. You should be happy. Just carry with his minor restriction that you cover it.

Bottom line: Either respect the employer's conditions of employment or seek employment elsewhere. Just the same as, if you made OC a requirement of his continued ability to employ you, he should respect your conditions or seek another employee. However, you have it better than most; your grass is almost as green as it gets, no matter how much greener it looks over there.

Firearms Iinstuctor

Regular Member
Jul 12, 2011
northern wis
Your employer allows you to carry. You should be happy. Just carry with his minor restriction that you cover it.

Bottom line: Either respect the employer's conditions of employment or seek employment elsewhere. Just the same as, if you made OC a requirement of his continued ability to employ you, he should respect your conditions or seek another employee. However, you have it better than most; your grass is almost as green as it gets, no matter how much greener it looks over there.



Regular Member
Jul 26, 2013
NE Ohio
Your employer allows you to carry. You should be happy. Just carry with his minor restriction that you cover it.

Bottom line: Either respect the employer's conditions of employment or seek employment elsewhere. Just the same as, if you made OC a requirement of his continued ability to employ you, he should respect your conditions or seek another employee. However, you have it better than most; your grass is almost as green as it gets, no matter how much greener it looks over there.

This. Though certainly, it doesn't seem like it would be out of bounds to approach the owner with a polite "have you considered allowing OC, and if not could you, and if so why did you decide not to allow it?" Polite, considerate, and then abide by the decision. And remain thankful that he allows carry at all.

Lyndsy Simon

Regular Member
Jan 14, 2011
Charlottesville, VA
Where I work, there is no policy re: firearms at all. The subject often finds its way to firearms, and my positions on the topic are well known.

I carry concealed at work, because it's not my place of business. I've carried enough to know that the mere presence of an open firearm will sometimes lead to a political conversation - and I don't believe it to be my place to OC around visitors to our office.

I do OC when I come in to work at night or on the weekends at times. We also had a party here on Independence Day which was ultimately canceled. I brought my wife and daughter in anyhow because our office has a great view of the city's fireworks show... and so did everyone else. I was OCing then (I always do when out and about with my daughter), and no one said anything about it.

If I were you, I'd probably at least ask the rationale for the policy - but I probably wouldn't OC regularly at work, even if it were allowed.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...the owner OC's sometimes, like maybe just taking it off his desk and throwing it IWB. ... From time to time, employees will show off their pistol to coworkers, etc...

So what you are referring to here as "OC" is letting a firearm be seen a few brief times, probably when clients are not around.

That probably isn't what his policy is designed to avoid.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2013

Thanks everybody for the input! I am indeed spoiled to have a work situation where firearms are encouraged and tend to forget that. After thinking about this more, reading your feedback and encountering some OC haters in another forum, I have come to realize that the owner is likely of the brand of gun owner who thinks OC is too extreme. I don't know whether or not he would be okay with customers seeing it, but I think that it's more that he sees work like he does home. It's technically not OCing to him because he owns the place! To him, OCing would likely be going into Walmart. Sure, I'm assuming all this and haven't actually talked to him about it. But I'm starting to learn that there are different types of gun owners out there. Yesterday, I was telling a couple of my colleagues who are gun owners (one of them CC's) that I OCed to Walmart recently and both of them looked like they might get sick. Their eyes got big, and looked at each other like I was crazy.

I personally don't OC that often, maybe 2 or 3 times a month, but I have recently come to the realization that not all CC'ers care about my 2nd Amendment rights having NO infringements. In fact, some of them are very vehement in their disgust of OCers. I thought about starting a separate thread just on this, but didn't think it earth-shattering enough for a new thread. I am a relatively new gun owner and carry every day and everywhere I go. As I say, it is only recently that I have come to realize that many CC-only carriers are afraid of their 2A rights. They also consider themselves privileged to carry, instead of having the right to carry - which doesn't make them that much different from certain LEO's who are anti-civilian carry.

The worst part is that many of the CC-only people I know also have the following characteristics:

  • Have terrible muzzle control
  • Have had at least one ND (at least one of these people experienced personal injury)
  • Don't carry a round chambered
  • Think that Glocks are of the Devil
  • Don't know what the 4 rules of gun safety are


Anyway, I think I will just stick with respecting the owner's property rights and CC for now. Maybe someday as I get to know him better I can consider talking to him about OC. Thanks!
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Regular Member
Feb 8, 2011
Moore, OK
We had no official firearm policy here until about a year ago. Concealed carry was allowed but with open carry becoming legal, I wanted to know what our policy would be...didn't want to just OC and then get reprimanded for it. The boss decided CC was good for in the building but not OC as he knew there were some people who were not comfortable about guns in the building to begin with. He also knows that I whenever I come into the building I am OC, walk into my office then it goes in a lockable file cabinet in my office until I leave the building. Haven't had any issue with anyone about it (those that would aren't around when I get to work). Ideally, he would probably prefer it if I didn't wear my empty holster around the office either (I have a second holster in my desk), but I'm not going to take the time to remove it from my belt.

I like my job so I abide by his rules of no OC but CC is allowed. I usually CC in the winter since I generally wear a lightweight coat in the office.


Activist Member
Apr 27, 2010
Lawton, OK USA
Most OCer's do both, CC and OC. The CC only crowd seem to support the 2nd A, but only if done there way. The CC only mantra:
I support the Second Amendment, for I am the Second Coming of THE Second Amendment...........but only if you do it my way. For my way was written about in the book of Genesis, go forth and conceal with magazines no larger than 7 rounds. So it was written, so it be so for I am your element of surprise savior.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2013
Most OCer's do both, CC and OC. The CC only crowd seem to support the 2nd A, but only if done there way. The CC only mantra:
I support the Second Amendment, for I am the Second Coming of THE Second Amendment...........but only if you do it my way. For my way was written about in the book of Genesis, go forth and conceal with magazines no larger than 7 rounds. So it was written, so it be so for I am your element of surprise savior.

Not Genesis, silly. Judges.

"But Ehud made him a dagger which had two edges, of a cubit length; and he did gird it under his raiment upon his right thigh." Judges 3:16

http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=judges 3:16&version=KJV


Regular Member
Oct 7, 2010
Kootenai County, ID
His business his rules.

He may have a rule saying no drinking on the job, but have a bottle of scotch on his desk.

He may have a rule saying no sex on company property, but have his wife, girlfriend, or both in for a nooner.

None of your business, do your job, follow his rules, collect paycheck, go home, do your own thing on your own time.

The alternative only leads to:banghead:

Dirk platinum

Regular Member
Nov 3, 2013
No ,bigotry against my appearance was not the issue . Company policy of walmart ,krogers,federal mogul ,great clips ,and the Tennessee department of agriculture (the places I've been employed ).Is that no employee may carry even with a permit . I was telling op to be happy he can carry at all since most major companies ban carrying by employees out right .
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