Well it's not Spring yet, but I have been thinking all Winter about the OC incident that took place in The City of Youngstown with Michael Porschien. I myself had 2 very interesting telephone conversations with the Youngstown Police Dep. The 1st conversation I had was with Internal Affairs. This man told me that you could not carry in a city park, and if you did you would be arrested. The second conversation I had was with the Chief. This conversation did not go so well. The chief told me that if his officers did not stop, search, and ID someone walking around with a gun that officer would be reprimanded.
I would like to have some form of meet and great in Youngstown. What if any would you think would go over well.
#1 OC walk
#2 meet and great at a city park Bar-B-Q / pot luck ( Hell I would invite the Chief myself )
#3 some sort of OC public service, pick up trash, fix up a park, get a baseball field ready for spring ball for the kids.
Im very new to this, and do not live anywhere near Youngstown but I will do what I can to make some sort of get together a good one.
I would like to have some form of meet and great in Youngstown. What if any would you think would go over well.
#1 OC walk
#2 meet and great at a city park Bar-B-Q / pot luck ( Hell I would invite the Chief myself )
#3 some sort of OC public service, pick up trash, fix up a park, get a baseball field ready for spring ball for the kids.
Im very new to this, and do not live anywhere near Youngstown but I will do what I can to make some sort of get together a good one.