1. I acknowledge 'for the most part' LEs can not demand id unless there is RAS.
2. I agree with another poster the young man looks exceptionally young.
3. I agree with the Aurora's PD spokesman,
a. they feel they have a legitimate concern to ascertain if someone who appears underage is carrying a firearm for some nefarious rationale.
b. the young adult has regularly tied up police resources by doing so.
4. I agree the video shows the responding officer is 'consistently being polite and apparently jovial.'
now why you are congratulating this young man for prancing around Aurora carrying a shotgun and having interaction from the APD just so he can get his jollies... not once, not twice, but by the young man's own admission quote ...more than dozen times.... unquote' in less than sixty days, is beyond me.
you disparage the officer's actions for writing a misdemeanor ticket for not even providing a name or his age. Well everyone, the young man is no longer considered a minor and as such must be held accountable as the 'adult'. Let us hope his caregivers can practice tough love and make the young man pay his own adult fines since he is accountable for generating the fine in the first place. however, i do not believe that is the case as someone coughed up the monies for the shotgun, police scanner, and video recorder for this young adult to get his 15 minutes of fame.
being an adult and purchasing a shotgun just so he can walk up and down the streets of Aurora quote He said he was once beat up in the area, and another time someone pointed a gun at him, so he likes to carry the weapon for protection. unquote sure sounds like premeditation as he prances around the same streets 'educating people'. sorry, if i got beat up 'once or someone pointed a gun at me, i sure as the devil wouldn't continue strolling through those neck of the woods.
finally, knowing Aurora the way i do, maybe once, or twice the locals will let this young man stroll through their turf, but a dozen of more times...nawllll, he will be the target of some gang member's initiation who will attempt/succeed to take out this young man...just cuz they can so they can get into their favorite gang. the young man's family will wonder why their son became yet another statistic and the police didn't protect their loved one.
either way, one hopes the caregiver takes control of their charge or the charge gets some training and maturity and realize they are either on the long path of adulthood or about to become a statistic.