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No need for a gun?


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2010
Trempealeau County, Wisconsin
And just what is their "Shot Spotter" doing during all of these murders?? Other than costing the taxpayer a lot of money... It certainly doesn't seem to be curtailing any crime.


Regular Member
May 2, 2009
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
And just what is their "Shot Spotter" doing during all of these murders?? Other than costing the taxpayer a lot of money... It certainly doesn't seem to be curtailing any crime.

I'm sure, after the fact, we end up with a recording of the shots that did the killing. Don't think thats worth the money...


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2010
in front of my computer, WI
armed carjacking attempt in Wally-World parking lot

Appears to be around St. Louis.
And from some chatter on another thread, the cities mentioned prohibit OC.
Maplewood police say the two suspects held a man at gunpoint in the parking lot and they planned to steal his car. After the man resisted, the suspects hit him with the gun and ran away...
Maplewood police responded "almost immediately"
Lotsa good that did. The battery & attempted armed robbery had already happened.
They did catch the 2 young thugs, though.
One thug, Devonte Morgan, is 18. Picture included at link above.
The other is a juvenile.


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2008
Milwaukee Police Department
Context is everything when media report on crime in Milwaukee. Shooting last night at 3900 N. 20th St. was not a random act. 40 y/o male was shot by someone he knew; victim not cooperative. Graze wound to head, foot. We try to quell community fear by giving you the facts on what happens in the city.

Milwaukee Police Department
‎2 men were shot by a man they were attempting to rob at 12:30 p.m. in the 9300 block of W. Silver Spring. A 28-year-old male tow truck driver was called to tow a car & 2 men robbed him at knifepoint. After handing over money, the driver struggled with the suspects who cut him. The driver took out a gun & shot the 2, ages 18 and 22. Police are talking with the driver. Victims/robbers have non-life threatening injuries



Regular Member
Jul 11, 2010
Trempealeau County, Wisconsin

Milwaukee Police Department
‎2 men were shot by a man they were attempting to rob at 12:30 p.m. in the 9300 block of W. Silver Spring. A 28-year-old male tow truck driver was called to tow a car & 2 men robbed him at knifepoint. After handing over money, the driver struggled with the suspects who cut him. The driver took out a gun & shot the 2, ages 18 and 22. Police are talking with the driver. Victims/robbers have non-life threatening injuries


Three cheers for the tow truck driver. Make that 5 cheers!


i heard about this this morning too. my source says the driver is in custody. this is something we should monitor.


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2010
in front of my computer, WI
As with several other people on the MPD FB page, I object to the attackers (in the tow truck case) being called "victims", especially by the police!!!

They tricked the guy into coming to them, robbed him, then attacked him with weapons, 2 on 1.
They are by no stretch of imagination 'victims' of anything except a failure of the victim selection process.
I commend the driver for not shooting until he was attacked. Some people would have shot upon the demand for money.

Wish we could get the guy's name & show up for court dates in support.
Wonder if he'd gotten out of the truck, gotten out & loaded his pistol, then gone to deal w/ the supposedly stranded guys if things would have turned out differently? :eek:

Hope he gets a lawyer who knows about the pizza driver case. Looks pretty similar to me - frequently in & out of the truck, in bad neighborhoods, and a well-founded fear of being attacked.

Here's are articles about this recent attack:
http://www.jsonline.com/news/119960609.html (this one allows comments)

And one about an attack last year where the driver was shot: http://www.jsonline.com/news/milwaukee/81181792.html
Last edited:


Regular Member
May 24, 2009
Chandler, AZ
As with several other people on the MPD FB page, I object to the attackers (in the tow truck case) being called "victims", especially by the police!!!

They tricked the guy into coming to them, robbed him, then attacked him with weapons, 2 on 1.
They are by no stretch of imagination 'victims' of anything except a failure of the victim selection process.
I commend the driver for not shooting until he was attacked. Some people would have shot upon the demand for money.

Wish we could get the guy's name & show up for court dates in support.
Wonder if he'd gotten out of the truck, gotten out & loaded his pistol, then gone to deal w/ the supposedly stranded guys if things would have turned out differently? :eek:

Hope he gets a lawyer who knows about the pizza driver case. Looks pretty similar to me - frequently in & out of the truck, in bad neighborhoods, and a well-founded fear of being attacked.

I emailed that story and then the 'legal' scenario (encased, unloaded, attacked, say wait please mr bad guys, un-encase, load, shoot) to my Representative and Senator so they could see how ridiculous the laws are.