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A very interesting article about Rights

Doug Huffman

Jun 9, 2006
Washington Island, across Death's Door, Wisconsin,
imported post

I found its premises confusing, Rights in quotation marks for instance, and its appeal to 'safety' and 'necessity' to advance the good of the many over the individual.

What is 'conservative' has been lost to the American public so we have a pro-gun article trying to use the only principles in common currency to argue. The conspiracy of ignorance masquerades as common sense.


State Researcher
Apr 10, 2007
, Alabama, USA
imported post

Doug Huffman wrote:
I found its premises confusing, Rights in quotation marks for instance, and its appeal to 'safety' and 'necessity' to advance the good of the many over the individual.

What is 'conservative' has been lost to the American public so we have a pro-gun article trying to use the only principles in common currency to argue. The conspiracy of ignorance masquerades as common sense.
I thought the premise was very clear......

Once a Right (for all individuals) is regulated for public safety, or any other reason, it no longer maintains the status of a Right.....ie, if a Right has even one law prohibiting ANY aspect of said Right, that aspect of the Right becomes a privilege, or prohibited all together, and therefor changes the status of that Right as a whole.

......although I do think the article could have been written a bit better.