Regular Member
Let’s see six [6] off-duty, white AZ LEs, allegedly regulars, make a white customer apparently extremely uncomfortable ~ for whatever unknown rationale, who then constantly asks mgmt to ask them to move from congregating right by the store’s entrance; but mgmt adds “or leave”, so the nice LEs pout & leave!
Then the blue band’s union president and their agency’s mgmt institutes a trial by pubic opinion to generate huge sympathy towards the vanquish LEs. Starbucks corp mgmt capitulates and piles on public statements of ‘oh my goodness’ the poor LEs mistreated by the bad mgmt of Starbucks.
What a blatant display of demanding privilege if their not recognized and held above their masters as they whine, pout and public express their displeasure till they get their way and recognition of said privilege.
J Q Public citizen carrys in starbucks and is asked by mgmt to perhaps move from the entrance ‘or leave’ and J.Q leaves, where is their union or ‘agency’ to begin a public social uproar where starbuck corp acknowledge J.Q.’s right(s)?
I don't understand this continuing double standard?
Then the blue band’s union president and their agency’s mgmt institutes a trial by pubic opinion to generate huge sympathy towards the vanquish LEs. Starbucks corp mgmt capitulates and piles on public statements of ‘oh my goodness’ the poor LEs mistreated by the bad mgmt of Starbucks.
What a blatant display of demanding privilege if their not recognized and held above their masters as they whine, pout and public express their displeasure till they get their way and recognition of said privilege.

Starbucks Apologizes After Six Police Officers in Arizona Say They Were Asked to Leave (Published 2019)
A customer complained that the officers’ presence made him feel uncomfortable, prompting a barista to ask them to leave, an organization representing the officers said.
J Q Public citizen carrys in starbucks and is asked by mgmt to perhaps move from the entrance ‘or leave’ and J.Q leaves, where is their union or ‘agency’ to begin a public social uproar where starbuck corp acknowledge J.Q.’s right(s)?
I don't understand this continuing double standard?