Yeah, other than the death threat of vehicular homicide for the entire group, the event was...
un-event-ful. :banghead:
I want to write an after action report, but there was no action. The speeches and talking points were the same as the event in Cincy.
The 1 spectator they had was the death threat guy and he got removed from the park by the police.
I am QUITE SERIOUS. One spectator. Everyone their side had in attendance was there to take part in the reading of the names, other than that one guy.
When there were only about 8 people remaining to read names (about 1.5 hours left) even the reporters and photographers had left. Our remaining pro-gun folks took pity on these anti's and went and sat down at their event, just so they would have SOMEONE to talk to.
JmE brought a case of bottled water. One of our members grabbed it and passed it out to the readers. Since he came up from behind them, I doubt they realized he wasn't with the MAIG group. I don't know what they thought when he brought the rest of the water over to us and sat back down. Building bridges, right?
That got old for me REAL quick
p), so my son and I left and went to lunch at the Ohio Deli on South High Street. I had a Dagwood. Is that a big sandwich? The sandwich toothpick used to hold it together was actually a 10" kabob skewer! Love that place.