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Buffalo Wid Wings "leave your gun in the car'


Regular Member
Mar 24, 2011
I Just wanted to share my experience this Sunday at buffalo wild wings in Kennessaw Ga. My friends and I stopped by BWW for some lunch after a morning of riding motorcycles, (We all rode together in a friends car to the restaurant) We waited about 20 minutes to get seated because the place was full due to the football games (all the time I had my M9 in a serpa on my hip). After being seated we ordered our drinks (sweet tea) and then a few minutes later ordered our food. Not 30 seconds after we ordered our food the manager walked up and took a knee beside my chair, he said "do you mind leaving your gun in your car while you are here" I said "excuse me are you the manager" he said "yes" I said "is this considered a bar" he said "bar and grill and it IS corporate policy that only uniformed police can carry in the restaurant" I said "Ok".

At this point I got up and walked out to my friends car and placed my firearm in the car and secured it. Well, as secure as it could be in a car in the parking lot. I came back in and finished the meal with my friends.

While my friends walked out I walked up to the counter and asked for the manager. When he came out I told him that if I had not been here with friends I would have left when he asked me to remove my firearm and that I would not be returning to BWW in the future. I also told him that if it was a big concern of his company they should post signs on the outside of the building stating they do not allow firearms to warn Americans not to do business there. I told him I do not blame him for enforcing company policy but not to worry that I would use the internet to help spread the word that Buffalo Wild Wings is not a supporter of the second amendment. I thanked him for his time and left.

I have to admit this is the first time I have run into this situation, Here in Georgia I open carry everywhere and I mean everywhere, the bank, the grocery store, restaurants, you name it, and have not ever had this happen. I think the forum should start a thread and sticky it with places that are "no carry zones" so people like me can take my business elsewhere.

Thanks for reading

edit* can a mod please add a "L" in the wild in the title. fat fingered the key board
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Founder's Club Member
Mar 23, 2010
Quarryville, PA
Buffalo Wild Wings is notoriously anti-gun. They are all posted here in VA. A friend of mine was recently seated and served food, once the food arrived the manager came over and asked him to put it in the car. He missed the tiny sign they had at the front door. Worst part is that he had already been there for 30 minutes without a problem. They might have good food but they won't get my business. I don't think they will be changing their policy any time soon.

Just a side note, I try to never tell a business that they should post signs. If they do, it eliminates the option to conceal carry if you absolutely have to go there.
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Regular Member
Mar 24, 2011
I don't know anyone who has to go to a chicken wing place, If they do put up a sign I apologize. I will note not to do this if/when I ever have another encounter


Founder's Club Member
Mar 23, 2010
Quarryville, PA
I don't know anyone who has to go to a chicken wing place, If they do put up a sign I apologize. I will note not to do this if/when I ever have another encounter

Some might have to go there to meet friends or family or for business and there are no other options. (i.e. your family really wants BWW and nothing else.) Kind of like when you were forced to stay and eat with your friends. Ya never know. Overall, I think you handled it really well.


Regular Member
Dec 8, 2007
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
as someone that CCs with the intention of doing both when I get a holster with retention, I care about both sides.

Sov, you are in the minority of the CCers. At this point, I'm sick of them and their holier than thou attitudes and want to give then the bird every time I hear their derogatory statements about OCers. So, yeah, I generally could care less about what they may or may not appreciate.
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Regular Member
Mar 24, 2011
Why should we even care anymore what the CCers do or do not appreciate? They never seem to care about what we may or may not appreciate.

I do also, I CC'd for the longest time and still do with my P3AT when toting the heavy/large Beretta is not a viable solution.


Regular Member
Sep 28, 2008
Nampa, Idaho, USA
Sov, you are in the minority of the CCers. At this point, I'm sick of them and their holier than thou attitudes and want to give then the bird every time I hear their derogatory statements about OCers. So, yeah, I generally could care less about what they may or may not appreciate.

As with most groups there are always a vocal few that that express just those sentiments. As with most groups I think the real majority just want to carry and be left alone...Whether it be concealed and/or open.

I don't go to BWW as have found a couple of OC friendly places that have better food and service.
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Activist Member
Aug 21, 2011
Freeland, WA
I personally have never liked buffalo wild wings to begin with. The food is mediocre and the service is terrible. I went on two different occasions at two different locations in VA. The first time we waited for ever for seating and the service and food was average. The second time was so bad it was the first time ever that I did not leave a tip at all. I even called a waiter that wasn't mine to bring me my check. Now that I read this story, I will never even think about going to one again.


Regular Member
Mar 24, 2011
I agree, this was my second and last time at BWW the first being years ago and this time because my friends wanted to go there, One of them is also a O'cer/cc'er who just happen to not be carrying that day and we both agree on the food is not worth the price or the hassle


New member
Sep 28, 2011
Ellenwood, GA
Concealed carriers will surely appreciate this unnecessary suggestion.

Signs carry no legal weight in GA as far as businesses are concerned. Concealed carriers can waltz right in and eat if they want to. But...who wants to eat where you aren't wanted.
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Regular Member
Apr 9, 2008
atlanta ga
Buffalo Wild Wings is notoriously anti-gun. They are all posted here in VA. A friend of mine was recently seated and served food, once the food arrived the manager came over and asked him to put it in the car. He missed the tiny sign they had at the front door. Worst part is that he had already been there for 30 minutes without a problem. They might have good food but they won't get my business. I don't think they will be changing their policy any time soon.

Just a side note, I try to never tell a business that they should post signs. If they do, it eliminates the option to conceal carry if you absolutely have to go there.

well "signs" in ga dont have any weight , if you want support a place like that cc is the answer


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2008
I know of at least one of their restaurants in Wisconsin (Oak Creek location) where they are posted. I have been reading in the Indiana Gun Owners forum, several carrying BW3s with no problem. I don't know if those restaurants don't know the policy or just aren't enforcing it.

I have been keeping a record as best I can in the Wisconsin subforum for Wisconsin stores: http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/s...n-our-rights&p=1374176&viewfull=1#post1374176


New member
Sep 11, 2011
Atlanta, GA USA
Does it not seem fair that if we want our rights respected as gun owners we should demonstrate that respect by respecting the rights of others? Who really benefits from these exchanges?


Regular Member
Sep 5, 2008
, ,
An "across the country" question:

Hello to the GA OC community from Idaho!

I have to ask if this is the same Kennesaw, GA that years (a decade or three?) enacted a local ordinance requiring firearms ownership (with an opt out) and experienced a dramatic decrease in crime? The one that made the gun-grabbers howl and issue dire predictions of wild-west shootouts? (I live in the "wild west" and have yet to see one...they only happen in re-enactments and CAS events, far as I know)

If so, what has happened to the fair city since?

Love to visit GA sometime & take in the scenery & hospitality....

